
Really, Gibson? REALLY?

Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
If you don't have a stand for it, just turn it upside down, stand it on the headstock and lean it against the wall.

then give it a swift side kick in the neck joint region. :toothy10:
put some table legs on the top, turn it upside down and WALA you have a novelty coffee table
Death by Uberschall said:
Cagey said:
Different purely for the sake of difference rarely works out. This impractical and aesthetically jarring thing is a case in point. But, it comes back to that old saw pointing out how there's no accounting for taste. They obviously sold some of these things, so there's at least a small group that thinks that design is desirable. It's quite likely they're retarded, but still. Revenue is revenue.

There are those who will buy it knowing it will not sell well and become a rare piece. More of an investment.
That's what happened with the Explorers and V's of '58-'59.... :laughing7:
I had to think back a little bit on where in the hell I had seen this before......


I think Henry Juszkiewicz thought "Hey--every kid would want to play a real copy of a cheap cardboard cutout and be as rad as the security guard!"

If I ever met Juszk the Putz, I'd like to quote a Thomas Hulce line from the movie "Animal House".....

"Can I buy some pot from you?"