
Really, Gibson? REALLY?

Didn't we have this thread, about this exact guitar, just a couple of months ago? So many threads mocking poor Gibson I must be confused.
Believe it or not, I actually kind of like the Flipped Explorer.  :icon_thumright:

Not all that crazy about the gold hardware, etc, but I think the body shape works pretty well.

Still can't get into the "Moderne" though.  :doh:
I also dig the reverse Explorer, except for the gold hardware, lightning bolt pickguard and weird headstock. It's like Paul Gilbert's Ibanez Fireman; not something I would have expected to work, but it just sorta does. However that reverse V is an abomination. Just ain't right.
The sad thing is alot of people will probably actually buy it.....not b/c it looks good....but b/c its a Gibson..... :icon_scratch:
Death by Uberschall said:
Believe it or not, I actually kind of like the Flipped Explorer.  :icon_thumright:

Not all that crazy about the gold hardware, etc, but I think the body shape works pretty well.

Still can't get into the "Moderne" though.  :doh:

Wonder if Gibson got the idea from an 80's Guild guitar?
I could never play that thing with a straight face.

hard to believe they found 400 buyers for them, and enought to warrant doing it again in 3 colors.
Oddly enough today, I was in the GC located in Little Rock, AR. and look what I found hanging there.

And the manager said he is so ready to move it out!!!

Death by Uberschall said:
Believe it or not, I actually kind of like the Flipped Explorer.  :icon_thumright:

Not all that crazy about the gold hardware, etc, but I think the body shape works pretty well.

Still can't get into the "Moderne" though.  :doh:
Me too, I dig the upside down Explorer, asian guy from Smashing Punkins used to play one, well act like he was playing one...

And I do like the Modern.... :icon_biggrin:
Death by Uberschall said:
Oddly enough today, I was in the GC located in Little Rock, AR. and look what I found hanging there.

And the manager said he is so ready to move it out!!!

As much as I dislike PRS, I'd rather have the single cut next to it, and use the V for firewood....
that has got to be the most wrong looking guitar in the history of wrong looking guitars. when the Backwards Strat looks more not wrong. you know there is a problem.
Different purely for the sake of difference rarely works out. This impractical and aesthetically jarring thing is a case in point. But, it comes back to that old saw pointing out how there's no accounting for taste. They obviously sold some of these things, so there's at least a small group that thinks that design is desirable. It's quite likely they're retarded, but still. Revenue is revenue.
Cagey said:
Different purely for the sake of difference rarely works out. This impractical and aesthetically jarring thing is a case in point. But, it comes back to that old saw pointing out how there's no accounting for taste. They obviously sold some of these things, so there's at least a small group that thinks that design is desirable. It's quite likely they're retarded, but still. Revenue is revenue.

There are those who will buy it knowing it will not sell well and become a rare piece. More of an investment.
Death by Uberschall said:
There are those who will buy it knowing it will not sell well and become a rare piece. More of an investment.

I hadn't thought of that, but I'm sure that's true, too.
So the V was hard enough to play sitting down, and they make one even harder simply by reversing the shape, I think theyre just trying to annoy you six stringers  :doh: