Man, you've got some awesome guitar hook ups then, cause every time I've seen them it's like "That will be 3k please." Of course, I almost never see them in stores though. They're pretty scarce around here from what I can tell.
I do love my Taylors though. I like a little more trebel in an acoustic cause a bassy acoustic sound just seems muddy to me, especially when I'm fingerpicking the bassline with my thumb. I think I'd have to take the Pepsi challenge in a quiet room to see if I like Larivee better.
I like Tanglewoods a lot too, but again, I'd need to take the Pepsi challenge cause it wasn't exactly quiet at NAMM where I was trying them out.
But hey, the next big guitar purchase will be a high end acoustic, so I will definitely have to try a bunch out.