
Quick Fender Question


Junior Member
I am parting out a 2001 swamp ashFender American Strat I have (I purchased it new). I always knew it was unusually light, but when I took it apart today I couldn't believe how light the body alone was, so I weighed it. 3lbs 6oz! And thats including the 2 lbs of poly thats on it (its a clear poly finish).

So that leads me to my question... did Fender ever make these things chambered or somehow reduce the weight?

Can't speak to the chambering or not, I'm not aware that it was ever common practice on the Am Standard.  If your body is 2 piece down the center, you can rule out chambering.  All that being said, it is wood afterall.  There can be lighter and heavier pieces.  Maybe you just got lucky.
Swamp ash has a pretty wide range of weight to it. Bodies cut from the lower section of the tree will be quite light, while those from higher up can be surprisingly heavy. You can see as much as a 2lb range for the same style body.
I have a one piece solid swamp ash strat body that weighs exactly three lb. Thanks Tonar!