Max said:
Well, Klanch, I must be crazy
Well Max we are all crazy to a point. Just ask anybody with a career in mental health, crazy is relative
Max said:
I'm not really for drugs, just a choice I made when I started having depression problems. I decided my head wasn't clear after that, and I didn't think drugs would help.
How old are you Max? 15? man you are wiser beyond your years. Drug use is a very touchy subject. I have tried just about everything 3 times (the 1st to see what the hype is all about, 2nd to see if it was as good as the 1st, and 3rd to see if I liked it enough to do it again) Yeah man if you are depressed drugs don't help. Been there done that, it is good to hear you know yourself well enough to know that you should steer clear of the drugs. Kudos to you brother, I'm not one to advocate drug use, nor do I think that everybody should be sober all the time. You and only you know what is right for yourself.....
Max said:
I'm still on girl #1, which is either good or bad, depending on your goals

Yeah, I started late. In 4 days, it'll be a month.
Late? Ever see the 40 year old virgin? That is late!!!! shitee man all I am saying about this is ladies do love guitar players, you might find yourself in a sticky situation someday. My goal in women was to find a woman that would go out with me and pick up other chicks. Well I failed at that goal, but I wouldn't trade my wife for anyone in the world, even if she won't go down on her hot friends
Max said:
Eh... pr0n... Not that long ago I kicked an addiction to the stuff... I'm glad.
Pornography is highly over-rated...... But it is sometimes entertaining. Once you're married for a while, you will relapse. I promise.
Max said:
Each to his own, though
The beauty of being human.
Buddy no worries glad to share some of my insight with you and I appreciate the perspective of a younger fella. Like I said keep building guitars, don't ever stop, always have a project going. It'll keep you sane through some of the hardest days that will come. You have no idea how many countless hours I have spent on different projects. If it wasn't for woodworking in general, I probably wouldn't be sitting here typing now. I have been through 3 lifetimes of bullshitttee and there were times in my life when I thought of ending it all, but the thought of leaving all my projects unfinished kept me above ground. It is my sanity, when the going gets rough around here, I go to the shop and get out the sander, which BTW my wife got me a new one for christmas (she is a damn good woman, even if she isn't into other girls!!) You are on the right page I think. Ok I'm getting all philosophical here, I think you will smell what i'm stepping in here.........
How is the Telecaster coming along?