question about cardboard guitar

big bob

Hero Member
So I have finished the nec and now am wondering if I should Black lacquer the head stock face and back (not the rail)
The figuring in the maple is pretty killer though.  What's the final color going to be for the body?
the body will be streched with fiberglass cloth and coated in epoxy resin so it will be semi translucent..
Ahhh.  I didn't know if you were going to paint over the fiberglass, but in that case I'd have to vote no black.
big bob said:
So I have finished the nec and now am wondering if I should Black lacquer the head stock face and back (not the rail)

just to clairfy.. the black would be on the front and back of the head stock, not on the back of the neck..
I'd do the front black, but leave that back clear. I've always liked that look.