
Question about buying a body from the showcase


Hero Member
If you buy a body from the showcase that is already drilled for a bridge, for example an LP body drilled for a TOM bridge, is the proper neck angle already routed in.  I know Warmoth offers the option of neck pocket routing to eliminate the need for shims, would that still need to be done to a showcase body.

Also, the stud inserts for the bridge, do they just press in?  Is this something that is fairly straight forward or is it to the buys advantage to pay the extra $10 to have Warmoth do it for you?

The neck pocket will be routed for the specified bridge setup.

The studs are just pressed in, simple to do yourself.  I prefer Warmoth to do mine, as they also add the ground wire to the stud.

Happy building.
riverbluff said:
If you buy a body from the showcase that is already drilled for a bridge, for example an LP body drilled for a TOM bridge, is the proper neck angle already routed in.  I know Warmoth offers the option of neck pocket routing to eliminate the need for shims, would that still need to be done to a showcase body.

I'm interested to know also. I ordered a Les Paul body from the showcase also, it was already routed for TOM bridge. I made the order from the e-store, no communication with the Warmoth stuff. I just wrote in the "Add Comments About Your Order" box that I wanted to rout the proper neck angle if not already routed in. They didn't charge me the extra $10 so I assume the showcase bodies that are routed for TOM bridge are routed also with the proper angle.
I'm pretty sure that if a Showcase body is pre-routed for a particular bridge, requisite neck pocket angle for bridge is already machined and included in the Showcase pricing.
jackthehack said:
I'm pretty sure that if a Showcase body is pre-routed for a particular bridge, requisite neck pocket angle for bridge is already machined and included in the Showcase pricing.
You are correct Sir! ...as usual.  :icon_thumright:
When placing orders from the Showcase and Online store, how long does it usually take to ship?  For example, if I ordered a body and neck from the showcase and had frets and nut installed, plus hardware from the online store, how long till the entire order ships? 

I am currently deployed and would hate for a box of goodies to be delivered to the house and then sit there for 6 weeks before I can take a look at them.  On the same note, If I order at the right time, I get home at about the same time as my Warmoth order arrives.


1,) Items that need no additional work; i.e., parts or bodies that do not require additional routing/necks that do not require fretting/nut installation usually ship same or next day.
2.) Bodies that need routing for PUs/bridges or necks that need fretting/nut installation usually ship in about 5 working days from receipt of order.

This can vary a little bit depending on workload, and you have to add UPS shipping time to your location.