
Putting weird things in coffee

line6man said:
But I do like baked potatoes with nothing on them. A bit bland and dry, but still good.

I read somewhere years ago that baked potatoes are close to nature's perfect food. They said if you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one food to eat, you'd eventually die of malnutrition, the speed at which that happened depending on the one food you chose. But, you'd live the longest if you chose either bananas or potatoes. I don't know if that's true or not, and I suspect everybody's diet would be different it it were, but I do know I feel better overall if I'm getting a good dose of both of those in my diet.
Coffee on ice cream?  I never met a woman that would be cool with that.  Thinking that might burn the man in the boat if you know what I mean!
the coffee and twix thing is awesome. they even make java twix now because it works so well. working nights i began drinking coffee and id grab a twix from the vending machine, though i never tried to use the twix as a straw i did realize the two complemented each other and eventually began to dip the twix. i only like coffe that is sweetened and the combination with carmel and chocolate is just perfect. on another note id never put cheese in coffee.. gross!  
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Anybody ever use coffee grounds as an ingredient in a steak or brisket rub?  It's not bad.

Damn you! I just baked some chicken for dinner. I want to try that now.  :blob7:

How much do you use though?
Just a tiny pinch, or do you use lots of it?

Coffee may be the perfect vice.  Your addicted, and suffer from all the usual baggage like withdrawal and what not as well as the appall value to non-coffee drinkers,  but unlike smoking and excessive alcohol use, 2 pots of coffee a day (plain) is supposedly good for you.  There's a link between coffee and diabetes prevention, but it's probably all the exercise you get going to and fro the WC.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Coffee may be the perfect vice.  Your addicted, and suffer from all the usual baggage like withdrawal and what not as well as the appall value to non-coffee drinkers,  but unlike smoking and excessive alcohol use, 2 pots of coffee a day (plain) is supposedly good for you.  There's a link between coffee and diabetes prevention, but it's probably all the exercise you get going to and fro the WC.

Agree and also supposed to be one of the single most important sources of anti oxidants in the American diet. Doesn't say much for the American diet. Also may help in the prevention of pancreatic cancer but that's probably through the diabetes connection.
I've been drinking coffee everyday since I can remember. Nothing like a good cup of dark roast French coffee except for perhaps an even darker machiato. I bought a nespresso machine and it comes the closest to good European coffee I've had. Love it.