
Pulled The Agile Trigger

DMRACO said:
Agile has some killer looking guitars.  i have often thought about pulling the trigger too.  They have some very cool finish options too.

I can almost guarantee you wouldn't be sorry. They're the deal of the century.
Superlizard said:
Cagey said:
They're young, so we might have to play something angsty for them... hmmm... I wonder if some old Black Sabbath would count?

:icon_thumright: +1,000

Sabbath always works.

And gotta keep them kids occupied else they'll get into trouble.   :icon_jokercolor:

Neat part is, it's easy to do and unlikely they've heard it. In fact, some of it is old enough that the messages are coming back into vogue amongst the militantly anti-everything ultra-liberal crowd that's largely composed of the very young, the very old, and the mentally challenged. I mean, check out the lyrics for "War Pigs".
Cagey said:
I can almost guarantee you wouldn't be sorry. They're the deal of the century.


Superlizard said:
Guitar is here in my greasy mitts... at work so can't do a whole bunch, but I can tell you that
I've played it, inspected it and this is a major feckin' steal.  Feck you, Gibson!

Superlizard said:
Cagey said:
I can almost guarantee you wouldn't be sorry. They're the deal of the century.


I'll never forget the first time I saw an Agile 3000. One of my brothers bought one for one of his twin daughters for Christmas several years ago. I was there when she opened it, and the poor girl hardly got to handle it while the rest of us drooled over the thing. Just a gorgeous piece of work, and nobody could get over how flawless it was. I mean, we tried and tried to find fault with the thing - it was just too unbelievable. This thing kicked a LP Custom's ass, and not for a percentage discount, but for an order of magnitude less in cost. It was like somebody offering a bundle of $100 bills for a bundle of $10 bills. It just didn't make sense. But, there it was. Couldn't argue with the evidence of our senses. And we're all older, long-time players who've owned many, many fine guitars, so there's no fooling us. Then another brother bought one, then I bought one, and it turns out it wasn't a fluke. They're all like that.
ErogenousJones said:
That's it, I'm buying an Agile Goldtop. Once they're back in stock. Damn.

I am too. It think it was all those posts from one person that finally convinced me of their unbelievable quality and incredible value.

I just can't believe how cheap these things are.  I can get one for the price of the pickups and bridge of one of my telecasters.  It's kinda nutty.
Well as a pre-review heads up, I only recommend their 3000 and higher models.

The 2500 that I have is "okay"... it needs work.

Check my pics thread for the new 3100 I snagged:


I plugged in last night and even I, Sir Persnickety, dig the Alnico V pickups in there (but
I'm still doing my own A-2s once Jeff gets em done).  They are vintage output and
very articulate.

I know it's hard to believe, but you have disengage your brain from the typical American
way of thinking "If I don't pay $50,000 then it's junk".  And "American Made" doesn't count
for much anymore 'cept outrageous pricing for mediocre goods (unfortunately)... besides,
"American Made" could mean "manufactured in China and then assembled in America" (Epiphone
comes to mind here).  This is a world economy nowadays and all the big manufacturers are over in Asia.
Biggus Pickus said:
ErogenousJones said:
That's it, I'm buying an Agile Goldtop. Once they're back in stock. Damn.

I am too. It think it was all those posts from one person that finally convinced me of their unbelievable quality and incredible value.


Conspiracy theories aside (even to the point of including myself - LOL), unless you've bought one or played one, all
Agile naysayers are simply talking outta their asses.
And BTW, don't take my word for it (youse kids never listen to Uncle Lizard anywho), google up some reviews... youtube has em too.
For example:

HD (720p) You Tube AL-3000 Review (with Jon Way; fellow lefty).

(The AL-3000 is no different from the 3100 with the exception of Abalone inlays)

ErogenousJones said:
I dunno, an LP with a Floyd has just never looked right to me.  :dontknow:

Maybe I'm just too narrow-minded...

No, that's just being racist.


I agree - no Floyds on Pauls.  But I guess Schon really pushed for 'em, so they're here to stay.
I'm OK with a Floyd on a Lester.

The only thing that keeps me from building a Warmoth Lester at the moment is the bolt on neck, just ain't right.  :laughing7:

That is a key element of the Lester. Just like somebody wanting to build a set neck Strat with a hard tail, just ain't right.  :laughing7:

Death by Uberschall said:
The only thing that keeps me from building a Warmoth Lester at the moment is the bolt on neck, just ain't right.  :laughing7:

Agreed.  I would do a Warmoth LP, cept for the bolt-on neck.  An SG bolt-on to me isn't a big deal, but a LP?  Naw.

So I'm stickin' to Agiles for LP-land.
Superlizard said:
So I'm stickin' to Agiles for LP-land.

So what are you finding to be the main quality differences between the 2500 and 3100?  I remember you not really liking the 2500 when you first got it.