Well as a pre-review heads up, I only recommend their 3000 and higher models.
The 2500 that I have is "okay"... it needs work.
Check my pics thread for the new 3100 I snagged:
I plugged in last night and even I, Sir Persnickety, dig the Alnico V pickups in there (but
I'm still doing my own A-2s once Jeff gets em done). They are vintage output and
very articulate.
I know it's hard to believe, but you have disengage your brain from the typical American
way of thinking "If I don't pay $50,000 then it's junk". And "American Made" doesn't count
for much anymore 'cept outrageous pricing for mediocre goods (unfortunately)... besides,
"American Made" could mean "manufactured in China and then assembled in America" (Epiphone
comes to mind here). This is a world economy nowadays and all the big manufacturers are over in Asia.