
Pulled The Agile Trigger


Hero Member
Getting one of these (LEFTY) to cure my 24.75" scale Lester Paulfus PAF-loaded set-neck (reasonably-priced) jones:


With case:


A few beauty shots:








BTW, these guitars are made in South Korea (not those commies up north).

Review, pics and clips to come... when I get it!   :icon_biggrin:
DangerousR6 said:
Sweet, looks like a Ace Frehley Gibson sig... :dontknow:

Cherryburst isn't my fave burst (Honeyburst is) but it's still high up there on the cool scale.  Unfortunately, due to the "lefty curse"
they don't have any Honeyburst available.

Speaking of Ace, if this guitar rawks, I'll make it smoke.  And I'll definitely be doin' some Page riffin' on it.  :icon_thumright:
very classy looking! Price tag aint everything, one of my favorite guitars is my cheap ass Ibanez Talman Acoustic that I paid a little over 400 for.
I've heard that even dirt-cheap far-east imports, when properly set up, play exactly the same as expensive American guitars... and if someone like Eric Clapton or Slash, for example, played an entry level Squire or Epiphone it would sound like Eric Clapton or Slash playing i.e. good.

While that might be true to some extent, people use it to argue that it doesn't matter what kind of guitar you play, so buy an Agile.

I use that same example to make the case that if the guitar doesn't matter, play something that looks good! To me, a real Gibson looks much better than an Agile.
Biggus Pickus said:
I've heard that even dirt-cheap far-east imports, when properly set up, play exactly the same as expensive American guitars... and if someone like Eric Clapton or Slash, for example, played an entry level Squire or Epiphone it would sound like Eric Clapton or Slash playing i.e. good.

While that might be true to some extent, people use it to argue that it doesn't matter what kind of guitar you play, so buy an Agile.

I bought an Agile 3100 for a several reasons:

1 )  I have 2500 Agile model experience and it was good enough to make me go, "hmmm!"
2 )  I'm not paying $$$$ for a logo
3 )  I'm not paying $$$$ for a guitar with shoddy fretwork, etc (Gibson "quality" control)
4 )  I'm not paying $$$$ for a guitar that doesn't have the pickups I want
5 )  I'm a lefty and my choices are limited
6 )  Agile offers a spectacular amount of guitar for $ hundreds; not $ thousands
7 )  Gibson is a complete rip-off if you consider how much guitar you get for how much you pay
8 )  From the Norlin era in the 60's up to current times, Gibson has been slowly sucking over the decades
9 )  I hate Gibson (the company, not the guitars)
10 )  I believe in free market; sellers can sell at whatever price point they want - conversely, us consumers can buy whatever the F we want

Biggus Pickus said:
To me, a real Gibson looks much better than an Agile.

I offer the Van Halen vs. Van Hagar argument:  It's possible that you see things this way because the Gibson shape is burned into your brain; e.g. familiarity.

What's funny is I've been researching these Agiles for a while now, and when I see a Gibson LP, I think the horn looks too long now.

Once Jeff gets done winding my PAFs (for put-on-hold SG project), I'm sticking them in there (I don't do AlNiCo-5; 2 only for buckers).  It's possible I may change
the bridge/tuners; depends.  And eventually I'm going to re-wire everything, but that's because I'm a picky SOB.   :icon_biggrin:
Superlizard said:
I offer the Van Halen vs. Van Hagar argument:  It's possible that you see things this way because the Gibson shape is burned into your brain; e.g. familiarity.

What's funny is I've been researching these Agiles for a while now, and when I see a Gibson LP, I think the horn looks too long now.
After doing lots of research on Les Pauls, for about two months afterwards, every tele I looked at looked too wide :P I'm glad I'm over that.
I recently sold my honeyburst AL-3000, but it was a great guitar. Very highly recommended, if you like Les Pauls. Only reason I sold it was because I just can't get next to the Les Paul design. Looks good, sounds great, but a real pain in the shorts to play.

That said, I'll probably buy another one at some point. Can't help myself. There's nothing like a Les Paul.
Just so you know...

That form-fit case you show in the picture is the same case my niece had for her Agile AL3000. It seems to be a very nice case - surprisingly so - but hers went to hell after little more than a year on the road. Not just road rash, either. Latches broke, handle shredded, etc. It just didn't hold up anywhere near as well as it looked like it would. But, she tours cross-country and gigs constantly. Guitar gets a lot of truck time. The guitar hasn't been hurt, so the case has done its job, but it's just isn't designed for that kind of use.

I don't know what kind of moving around you do, but you might want to look into one of these CNB cases.



$99.95 in the box, out the door. Helluva deal. I have several of them here, and am quite impressed.
Cagey said:
Just so you know...

That form-fit case you show in the picture is the same case my niece had for her Agile AL3000. It seems to be a very nice case - surprisingly so - but hers went to hell after little more than a year on the road. Not just road rash, either. Latches broke, handle shredded, etc. It just didn't hold up anywhere near as well as it looked like it would. But, she tours cross-country and gigs constantly. Guitar gets a lot of truck time. The guitar hasn't been hurt, so the case has done its job, but it's just isn't designed for that kind of use.

I don't know what kind of moving around you do, but you might want to look into one of these CNB cases.



$99.95 in the box, out the door. Helluva deal. I have several of them here, and am quite impressed.

Gotcha... no worries; I'm purely local/studio.  Did the road thing when I was a young'un and can't say I miss it.
Superlizard said:
Gotcha... no worries; I'm purely local/studio.  Did the road thing when I was a young'un and can't say I miss it.

I know what you mean. Got an email from an old friend who wants to get together next month and jam, and as much fun as that sounds like, I'm just dreading shuffling gear from here to there and back. Sounds too much like work <grin>
Cagey said:
I know what you mean. Got an email from an old friend who wants to get together next month and jam, and as much fun as that sounds like, I'm just dreading shuffling gear from here to there and back. Sounds too much like work <grin>

I hired midget roadies to handle all that.  And yes, they had to be midgets, cuz midgets are cool - Spinal Tap shows this.

Hehe! Good move. And you also reminded me - I have a nephew with buddies who'd love nothing more than to come watch a live band practice. He even has access to a truck. Should've thought of that before. They're young, so we might have to play something angsty for them... hmmm... I wonder if some old Black Sabbath would count?
Agile has some killer looking guitars.  i have often thought about pulling the trigger too.  They have some very cool finish options too.
Cagey said:
They're young, so we might have to play something angsty for them... hmmm... I wonder if some old Black Sabbath would count?

:icon_thumright: +1,000

Sabbath always works.

And gotta keep them kids occupied else they'll get into trouble.  :icon_jokercolor:
Guitar is here in my greasy mitts... at work so can't do a whole bunch, but I can tell you that
I've played it, inspected it and this is a major feckin' steal.  Feck you, Gibson!
Hope you dig the Agile once you get a chance to put it through it's paces. It sounds like i need to consider one of these in the future.

Actually, I sort of just pulled off a similar cheap-but-badass-alternative-to-Gibson move myself...more on that later (tomorrow to be exact).    :headbang1: