
Preferred Strap Locks


Hero Member
:icon_scratch: So whats your preferred 'Strap Locks'

As I'm thinking of changing all my basic / cheapo (strap buttons) to Strap Locks.
These are what I have now ... http://www.warmoth.com/Standard-Strap-Buttons-Pair-Chrome-P77C76.aspx

I take it that I just need the ONE full set of say ... Schaller Strap Locks in different colours that I need
Like these in Black & Chrome (I don't have any Gold  :icon_biggrin: ).... http://www.warmoth.com/Schaller-Strap-Locks-Pair-Chrome-P80C76.aspx
Warmoth sell the complete set (no buttons thou)

So then just get a heap of the Schaller Buttons & screws. To toss these on all my guitars.
Like these .... http://www.guitarpartsresource.com/strapbuttons_schaller.htm

Is that correct ?
Are the Schaller Lock Straps good / reliable ?

Is that what other's here use ?

Many thanks  :icon_thumright:
You can add my vote for the Schallers. Also, Dunlop sells the same design. It's possible they're just re-branded Schallers. I've used a number of different straplock designs over the years, and have found this one to be the best. Then, you do as you've discovered - buy additional buttons for the rest of your guitars so you can use a common strap(s).
Thanks guys
Well thats 4 out of 4 including that I mentioned the same brand  :icon_thumright:

Just as I had thought with the other buttons .... many thanks.
Think I'll still order from oversea than from here in OZ, as I need some other bits as well.
Heaps cheaper than from here  :icon_scratch:
I have the Dunlop straploks as well.  They were the first ones the music shop got way back when, and I kept with them.  Never had a problem with them.  You can buy the individual bits and pieces as well.  Only have one strap without them, it's for the acoustics.  I think that if you go for either of the two big brands, it should work out fine.

Another vote for Schaller strap locks here. I've used them for 20 years with no problems at all. A good friend of mine swears by the Dunlops, nothing wrong with them. Occasionally you'll run across someone that says "x brand strap locks suck, mine fell apart and ruined my guitar" but IMO it comes to maintaining the strap lock. In the case of the Schallers, make sure they are securely tightened to your strap (I use loctite to ensure they don't come loose - I have seen the nut loosen for people on multiple occasions). Also, a drop of thin CA glue in the strap button hole helps keep the threads good and strong so the screw does not pull out.

BTW, Fender American Std stuff is compatible with Schaller:
first thing I do when I get a guitar is get a set of Shaller/Dunlops, same design, and a few extra strap ends so I can get a few extra straps
been using that design for a long time now, it works great

only guitar I have without them is my 335 which has beer bottle strap locks
Johnfv said:
Another vote for Schaller strap locks here. I've used them for 20 years with no problems at all. A good friend of mine swears by the Dunlops, nothing wrong with them. Occasionally you'll run across someone that says "x brand strap locks suck, mine fell apart and ruined my guitar" but IMO it comes to maintaining the strap lock. In the case of the Schallers, make sure they are securely tightened to your strap (I use loctite to ensure they don't come loose - I have seen the nut loosen for people on multiple occasions). Also, a drop of thin CA glue in the strap button hole helps keep the threads good and strong so the screw does not pull out.

BTW, Fender American Std stuff is compatible with Schaller:

Never had an issue with my Schallers coming loose.  :occasion14: 

I can't comment on the Dunlops, as I've never used them.
Schallers. And yep, the buttons-only sold as "Fender" are Schallers, sometime it's easier to just snag 'em off the 'Bay. And if your strap lock "fell off" and ruined your guitar it's a sign from God, he doesn't want people as dumb as you making any more noise.
The first locks I ever used were dunlops. They always seemed cheap to me and I never really cared for their finish. The gold ones on my white Les Paul completely tarnished in just a few months. When I bought my Am. Dlx Strat I was introduced to the Schallers and I absolutely love them. The Dunlops do have the recessed thing going for them which is pretty cool.
Schallers are my only experience, and have no complaints with performance.  They work on my factory installed Rickenbacker buttons.  When buying the Schallers, my first choice was Dunlop but the sales person disuaded me.  I do wish the threaded portion were 1/8" longer, as it labor intensive installing on a new, thick leather strap.  Also, after installed for a while, tightening the nut after the leather compresses is recommended, but that isn't Schaller exclusive.
The only problem I've ever had with Schallers is sometimes when I have the strap on and play bass sitting down it buzzes like crazy at the upper bout. Which means I have to (1) unlock the strap (2) make sure I think it through before standing up.  :dontknow:
I started with Dunlops way back in the (late) 70s. They work great. Never tried the Schallers but, as far as I can tell,Schaller doesn't make a bad product, whatever it is.
Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd said:
Schallers are my only experience, and have no complaints with performance.  They work on my factory installed Rickenbacker buttons.  When buying the Schallers, my first choice was Dunlop but the sales person disuaded me.  I do wish the threaded portion were 1/8" longer, as it labor intensive installing on a new, thick leather strap.  Also, after installed for a while, tightening the nut after the leather compresses is recommended, but that isn't Schaller exclusive.

I usually open up the hole in the strap so the lock fits better.
I don't know why people bad-mouth Dunlops. If you like the Schallers, you should use them, but Dunlops work great, look great, and have never failed on any of the 9 guitars I've had them on. I bought a new Strat in 1998 that came with Schallers in the case. I didn't like them, and never installed them. It's fine to have a personal preference, but the Dunlops are in no way inferior to the Schallers...
Street Avenger said:
I don't know why people bad-mouth Dunlops. If you like the Schallers, you should use them, but Dunlops work great, look great, and have never failed on any of the 9 guitars I've had them on. I bought a new Strat in 1998 that came with Schallers in the case. I didn't like them, and never installed them. It's fine to have a personal preference, but the Dunlops are in no way inferior to the Schallers...

eh, whatever works right? Use what you like and rawk out  :headbang:!
