Every once in a while your past sneaks up on you or something, and you realize some things really WERE that great. I got bushwhacked somehow by the Police, their last two real albums, "Ghost in a Machine" and especially "Synchronicity." That's one you just stick in the CD player and not have to think about skipping any tracks... yes I still use the little shiny things mostly, Mp3's give me a headache. It was released in 1983, but if it had come out in 1993 or 2003 or 2013 (or 1963! :icon_biggrin

or 1973 :toothy12: it would STILL be a great one.
This is not a great recording, but plenty clear enough to provoke the same question that every track does, that being:
What'n HELL is wrong with drum tracks nowadays? I though Y2K was supposed to break the computers, but the drummers?!?
Mr. Copeland had it ON, there. And these guys have got to deserve some sort of prize for "Hit songs that bar bands HATE the most." I was playing bass in a pretty good band right then, and me and the Git-2 unit had to switch places - I could (sort) of play the guitar parts better that he sort-of could, and vice-versa. Sort-of. That clip above is perfect because right around 0:24 you can see from the body language they're counting in different time signatures. And 25 years later, same song, at the 0:22 point of so, same thing! They're each playing a different song, and this is one of the EASIEST ones. :icon_scratch:
The only way to play it is to learn your part and then NOT listen to each other.... Supposedly the reunion tour started off pretty hideous, they're all great musicians and they had their chops up, so they figured they'd just go out and play the stuff they knew so well. After the third trainwreck, they began using 4-hour soundchecks to try and figure out what the heck to DO to play like that. :icon_biggrin:
ADDENDEDUMDUM: I found the GOOD one. This was like the last band after Dire Straits that I actually want to BE when I grow up, I remember why:
Another suburban family morning
Grandmother screaming at the wall
We have to shout above the din of our rice crispies
We can't hear anything at all
They don't make 'em like they used to...