No pics because I don't have the body.
tfarny, here's how:
Poplar ody: $145 (mine was cheaper off the showcase)
Paint: $10 (I'm going to use spray paint)
Unfinished maple neck: $157 (I'm using one from a Squier)
Bottle of tru-oil for neck: $7
Bridge: $40
Ferrules: $5
Prewired pickguard from guitarfetish: $40
Tuners from guitarfetish: $25
Shipping, sandpaper, misc stuff: $30
= $459 if my math is correct.
You can upgrade to swamp ash for $25, in which case you can finish the body clear.
And everything will be top-quality except the pickups, which you can upgrade at your leisure. Done!
I mentioned the guitarfetish tuners... these are the ones I got: They seem nice, smooth, and stable but the "locking" mechanism doesn't really work as well as advertised... give them at least a full wrap before going back into the other hole. I've experimented some and I recommend using the top hole for E and A and the bottom hole for the rest, even if you have string trees. If you have an angled headstock you can do whatever you want