
Pinter Guitars getting some attention in print

Very Nice! Did they give you the PDF of the review to slap on your website?
No PDF, I'll have to inquire. That's a good idea. When the full issue of the magazine goes online on VG's website I would think I could just do screen grabs. The online edition is pretty high res. But I'll ask about PDFs. I have people who do the work on my website, I'm kind of a dummy on the tech involved in managing it, so I'm going to let them maybe add a page under Media for print stuff.
Here's one from one of my reviews. I can't remember if they gave it to me or if I just did a screen shot from the on-line magazine:
That's a GREAT review @mayfly, it makes me want one. But I've splurged on pedals lately, like from Cusack and Spaceman, and right now I don't have the "music money" or the space on my boards. But I'll definitely keep it in mind.

EDIT: I just watched (and listened) to your demo on YouTube, and it just reinforces my "Want" response. I'm going to have to start paying attention to you.

BTW, Here Is A Demo of my SB1-R guitar.
Great reviews! Cool guitar. Honestly though, at $ 4,000 USD plus, they are a hard pass for me.
Great reviews! Cool guitar. Honestly though, at $ 4,000 USD plus, they are a hard pass for me.
What is your cut-off level for what you will pay for a guitar? If you had the money would you consider a Pinter? If you got a chance to play one I would almost guarantee that you would change your mind.
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What is your cut-off level for what you will pay for a guitar? If you had the money would you consider a Pinter? If you got a chance to play one I would almost guarantee that you would change your mind.
I am not here to disparage your guitars AT ALL, I bet they are killer! Just (though I would never) get a Suhr or PRS with a proven track record/ resale value at 2/3rds of the price. We are talking alder slab maple neck guitars here. I do wish you success, not a hater or anything. Peace!
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