
Pickup Magnet Question

Alfang said:
You guys that spout off about DC resistance reading meaning nothing, whats your point?
Heres My point, alot more people own a multi meter than own inductance meters....It's just a guide and thats all,

Yah, when considering Granny Smith to Macintosh, thats pretty much it.

Another is for "balance" of two pickups.  Try running a monster 18k winding in parallel with a sweet 6.8k winding when "both" are used.  You get some strangeness for sure
Alfang said:
The Bottom line is this, The resistance readings give you a ballpark idea to pre-evaluate what a pickup MIGHT soundlike.  If your a Grunge Metal player you wouldn't buy a pickup claiming 3Kohms resistance and so on.

It's just a guide and thats all,

^ This.

It's just a guide, not an exact science.