Just putting together my first all Warmoth guitar, previously I only used the necks. But i've hit a problem. Mines a rear route strat with a H/S/H route. I've fitted the humbuckers with rings and the single coil is causing me the problem. Do I screw it directly into the wood to fit? Or do I mount the single coil on the rubber bushes? If it fits directly to the wood it will be low compared to the strings. Any help would be really appreciated. The single coil is a seymour duncan .
Thanks in advance.
Just putting together my first all Warmoth guitar, previously I only used the necks. But i've hit a problem. Mines a rear route strat with a H/S/H route. I've fitted the humbuckers with rings and the single coil is causing me the problem. Do I screw it directly into the wood to fit? Or do I mount the single coil on the rubber bushes? If it fits directly to the wood it will be low compared to the strings. Any help would be really appreciated. The single coil is a seymour duncan .
Thanks in advance.