
Pedal Board Suggestions For My Rig


Junior Member
Trying to decide if I should get a pedal board and if so what kind. Any suggestions?

I just play at home so I'm not worried about portability. I was thinking maybe I should just get the Vanamps Pedal deck for on top of the Soul-Mate and put the other three on that.

Thanks!  :dontknow:


The one thing you're not worried about is almost the only reason to have a pedalboard - portability. They allow you to move all your pedals at once without disconnecting anything much. That's a real time-saver and it reduces wear and tear. They also usually allow for a common power supply, which can be handy.

The downside is they tend to scrunch everything together, so you have to be a bit more careful/precise about stomping your stomp boxes. Also, re-arranging things is less convenient. So, I don't know what to tell you. I have one here I never use because it requires too much real estate on the floor, and for as much as I use stomp boxes it's not worth the trip hazard. The only reason I don't sell it is because it's a convenient place to store all the stomp boxes I don't use <grin>
Hit up my buddy Rooster at Trailer Trash Pedalboards. Check out the website. http://trailertrashpedalboards.com/
Cagey said:
The one thing you're not worried about is almost the only reason to have a pedalboard - portability. They allow you to move all your pedals at once without disconnecting anything much. That's a real time-saver and it reduces wear and tear. They also usually allow for a common power supply, which can be handy.

The downside is they tend to scrunch everything together, so you have to be a bit more careful/precise about stomping your stomp boxes. Also, re-arranging things is less convenient. So, I don't know what to tell you. I have one here I never use because it requires too much real estate on the floor, and for as much as I use stomp boxes it's not worth the trip hazard. The only reason I don't sell it is because it's a convenient place to store all the stomp boxes I don't use <grin>

The reasons you don't use one is why I haven't got one. I don't go any where(sad, I know), I don't use a lot of pedals and it would probably take up a lot of room on the floor. The only effects pedals I have are the Vanamps Soul-Mate and the JHS Charlie Brown OD. Plus I was wondering about running them through one power supply. I used to daisy chain mine together with a One Spot but that was creating a lot of noise. When I put everything on it's own power supply I noticed a big difference.

The real estate on the floor is why this one caught my attention:

I think it's new though so I haven't been able to find out much about it.
That one is so small it's almost pointless. No sense paying good money for a pedalboard just so you can use the words "my pedalboard" in a sentence.
Cagey said:
That one is so small it's almost pointless. No sense paying good money for a pedalboard just so you can use the words "my pedalboard" in a sentence.

:laughing11:  :laughing3:  :laughing7:
I'm a bedroom player too. I have placed all my pedals on a piece of wood and I'm always looking for a pedalboard but never buy one cause I don't need it. The VanAmps is really small, it's only for people who will use two small pedals in their whole life but with pedals you never know the exact number you will have tomorrow... The good thing about a pedalboard is all pedals are connected and ready for use. I remember how boring it was before to connect and disconnect all pedals everytime I wanted to play.

You can have any piece of wood that has enough space for your pedals and place it close to your amp, I don't even use velcro. This works if you don't move your pedals and amp to other rooms. If you want to lift your pedlaboard you need to put velcro. If you have tools & skills you can make one like this http://www.tdpri.com/forum/stomp-box/153763-my-do-yourself-ikea-pedalboard-build-thread.html

I use also 1-Spot, it's connected to five pedals and works great. I keep the delay with it's own power supply cause it needs it.
If you don't plan on performing, I'd second the SKB suggestion.  Trailer Trash boards are nice, but $$$.
Here's a nice little SKB:


Yours for one hundred clams from sweetwiter
Lot's of inexpensive options here.

I have the CNB PDC-410H SSL, been using it faithfully for 4.5 years now.