
Pantera—Vulgar Display Of Power

Yeah, Throwdown isn't ground breaking or anything but you did say current and like Pantera. You have to admit if you didn't know better and going solely by sound it would be easy to think they are Pantera. Lot of heavy groove in that, which I am a fan off as well. My band is just a bunch guys who would rather play live than record. That is the only actual (planned) recording we have. I have the rest of the songs recorded in different levels of completion. lots of them without vocals so far. but nothing else finished. I do feel a bit of pride knowing we're better live than on the recording. As far as releasing anything, I don't see that happening. were all guys way over that delusion of grandeur state, and all of us came from different bands that were tired of that. so we just wanted to make something we wanted to hear and actual could enjoy ourselves. But once I get it all recorded I'll post a link to download em if you're interested.

Thanx for the kind words
Pabloman's right: Pantera was/is one of a kind, they kick maximum @$$!  :headbang:

+1 on Throwdown, those guys are awesome!

I would also checkout the band "The Showdown", specifically, their latest album "Blood in the Gears" They kick @$$ as well, and they cite Pantera as a major influence, and it shines through (in a good way) in their own style.



Death by Uberschall said:

Definitely! this song is how most were introduced to Sevendust. I still remember first time I heard it. I was heading out on a long trip and being in a hurry, pulling up to gas station to fill up. This intro started on the radio, And I just sat in my car in front of the gas pump for the whole song (even though I was in and extreme rush) before I got out. I was sold on 7D. This song is fun to play live.
Kuro Uma said:
... you did say current and like Pantera.

I did  :laughing7:
... and after reading your last post I've just listened to a bunch more tracks off YouTube and I'm startin' to dig 'em.

Good call Kuro Uma  :icon_thumright:

First impression of The Showdown was good but underwhelmed, but given my turnaround with Throwdown I better have a listen to some more tracks.

Damn, lucky I've got some coin on my iTunes balance. It's about to get a beating!
Stew said:
...Like I said I'm trying to get in touch with what's going on with current 'metal' bands, this journey being inspired by VDoP. I'm pretty out of touch with current stuff (in all genres), for example my 'metal' collection currently ends with Metallica/Sepultura/Pantera...

I'm not well informed with the new metal but since you mentioned these old bands I have to mention the band that is above every other band: SLAYER. "Reigh In Blood" is the ultimate thash LP but all their records up to Seasons LP are recommended. For me if Slayer are playing thrash then all the other bands are playing something else... I just haven't found anyone close to them. Exception are the old Metallica who are still very special to me but they are the biggest sellout in R'N'R history.

A very tight sounding thrash LP is the third record of Exodus "Fabulous Disaster", higly recommended. I'm always amazed with their playing in this album.

Suicidal released amazing albums when they abandoned punk for a metal sound with fusion/groovy funk influences. The great Rocky George :guitaristgif: is the most underrated guitarist I know. They are one of my all time favorite bands.

Check also the fourth and last great LP of D.R.I. "Four of a Kind". I prefer their early hardcore records but the songs were slower and longer lasting. Not really groovy like Pantera but I like 'em more.

For groovier hard music I recommend Prong & Helmet, not really thrash but they are good. Start from their first records.
Kostas is bringing me back to my teenage years! All are great bands. For the funk you must check out Infectious Grooves.



Here are some of my favourites for "groovy" metal:

- As mentioned before, Down. They rock!
-Also mentioned before, Machine Head
-Strapping Young Lad. These guys are awesome.
-High on Fire

Also mentioned before, Opeth might be one of the best metal bands out there. Think of "Pink Floyd" in Metal.
I just saw them live this evening here in Munich. Fantastic.

And I have a lot more bands to recommend, I love music.  :party07:

If you'd like to explore some of the newer style developments in metal, I also recommend looking into a genre called "Post Rock/Metal".
Since I also love Pantera, this might be also of interest for you.

Some of my favourite bands in this genre are Neurosis, Isis, Russian Circles, Shrinebuilder and Ahkmed.

here is a video of Neurosis, they are very well known:

Lamb of God.

They are the pre-eminent (and by far the best) of the post Pantera groove metal bands.
elgravos said:
Lamb of God.

They are the pre-eminent (and by far the best) of the post Pantera groove metal bands.

This guy knows the score. Can't believe I forgot about LoG.  :doh:

And yeah, Clutch isn't the least bit Pantera-like I suppose. Just groovy.  :icon_biggrin:
Another vote for Strapping Young Lad.  A little absurd, but it a very good way.  If you are of the Prong ilk, then Killing Joke or Murder Inc might be worthwhile.  Basically the same band with different singers.  And of course for Metal, my favorite is Darkane.  I liked them best when Andreas Sydow was singing for them.  Expanding Senses is a very fun album song wise.  Some of their other stuff seems better recorded, some seems worse.  Still they have a hard core/thrash sound in their version of the melodic death metal scene.

WOW ... so much to check out ... so little time. I hate working a day job  :sad:
