
Painting Tips for a beginner?

TTU Shredder

Junior Member
As the subject line says I need some help painting my new body/neck/head stock that I just received from Warmoth. It is an alder body and a a maple neck, just in case that matters. What I want to do is paint the neck and head stock solid white and the body will be solid white and about 1/4in or 1/2in away from the edge will be a 1/2in or 3/4in of gold paint bordering with black pin striping. So does anybody have any information that can help me get this started?
ambitious project for a begginer

1.  wood prep is most important

2.  materials selection is most important

3.  taking your time is most important

4.  planning is most important

Ditto to CB, with added, how in the hell can you mask the black pinstripe? I've done one with a binding and not in a hurry to go to another binding, don't see how to mask the pinstripe?
-CB- said:
ambitious project for a begginer
1.  wood prep is most important
2.  materials selection is most important
3.  taking your time is most important
4.  planning is most important

What is your suggestion on materials? I have had some arguments with a friend on what kind of paint to use.
Here's my 2 pence.

Painting Tips for a beginner? = Get Warmoth to finish for you.
Ted, I think your suggestion is the correct one!

Finish quality can make or break a guitar...it should look "Custom" not "home-made" (IMHO)

jackthehack said:
Ditto to CB, with added, how in the hell can you mask the black pinstripe? I've done one with a binding and not in a hurry to go to another binding, don't see how to mask the pinstripe?

Black on bottom, gold in the middle, white on top - sort of a reverse stripe procedure.  You'll have to remask to get good edges and width uniformity, but its very doable.