
Painting a tru-oiled peghead face black


Epic Member

I have a Warmoth Telecaster neck that I've already Tru-oiled - I had great plans for it, but the body I was working on forever just never came together.  I'm chucking the body, and have recently grabbed a black Tele body with cream binding, top'n'bottom.  I thought it would look really nifty if I were to paint the face of the peghead black, and apply the chrome Warmoth logo.  So my question is this:

What additional prep steps do I need to take on the peghead?  The Tru-oil has already cured for nearly a year, so it's about as well-seasoned as one can hope.

Can I get away with a scuff sand, and then just mask'n'lacquer the peghead?  Or should I take it down to bare wood?

Thanks in advance for the advice.


I've never tried it, but my understanding is that shellac is one helluva prophylactic when you want to change finish chemistries. It'll stick to anything, and anything will stick to it. So, you prep the existing surface, shoot some shellac, level it if necessary, shoot whatever you want over that and go from there.

I wouldn't take my word for it, though. I'd rather hear from somebody who's actually done it.
About 8 months ago I painted a maple TruOiled headstock with no problems. I level sanded it and shot it with some rattle can duplicolor. After that set up I shot it with Deft. I wet sanded and  polished and so far nothing has fallen off. Everything looks great and if I had to I would do it again.