I know through the grapevine, this being the vine, that warmoth is so swamped with other things that , you will personally have to drive up there and open their hazardous chemicles division for them. I bet they would be glad to have you. Don't forget to stop on your way at DEQ and probably DHS.
You gotta get in line with the things you wish Warmoth would do, your behind the guys who want 7/8 scale bodies, warhead neck, something about rounded heels on bass guitars, teloist. next time you come to this forum click on show all unread posts since last visit, you will see where your paint scheme is at in line.
But you know what, I wish they would sell paints and chemicles too, so I really am pulling for you, I didn't mean to sound like CB here :icon_tongue:
Just kidding CB Sorry....