There's a fair chance it's nitrocellulose lacquer. you can use a q-tip dipped in acetone to see if a little will dissolve. Detach the neck and try it on the heel area. That tinted stuff will show up on the swab if it dissolves. If you find it's lacquer, you can mask it and paint with black lacquer (Behlen sells a black product that worked fine for me). I bought a bunch at (about halfway down the page) and have been happy with it. Theyr'e in Napa and they ship pretty quick. Then topcoat with clear lacquer.
If it's not lacquer, you can probably use lacquer anyway - because if it's not lacquer, you're probably looking at a polyurethane or polyester product, which will do fine under a lacquer coating. Just sand it with 320 and shoot color on top, or alternatively, shoot some shellac as an interface coating, and then color. Then topcoat with clear lacquer.