

Hero Member
What kind of overdrive pedals do you guys like?  I'm in the market to replace my tubescreamer.  I'm thinking the BBE Green Screamer, but I've only begun looking.  I don't need anything too crazy, just a little distortion.
If you have a chance to check out some Boss pedals at your local shop take a peek at the Blues Driver. It's not going to give you any Metallica crunch but it's got a nice distorted sound to it.
What kind of sound are you looking for, still something tube screamer esque?

I just picked up the Xotic Scott Henderson RC booster, it's like a very mellow TS, with compression added, but without the mid hump.  If you're looking for something with a bit more gain along those lines, the AC and maybe even BB from Xotic can be good.  Personally my fave pedal lately is the Fulltone OCD, totally sounds like a 18w marshall plexi when driven, and if you just use it as a mellow gain boost can totally do the Tube Screamer but without the mid hump(and I have an Analogman TS9 Silver mod).

Pedals vary a lot, they sound different in every amp. 9/10 pedals sound "better" to me when they are in front of a slightly driven amp. I'm using two drives, I have them for 1.5 year and I like em a lot.

Xotic BBpreamp: http://www.proguitarshop.com/product.php?ProductID=85&CategoryID= This is a sweet sounding pedal and it's very clean although it has enough gain for hard rock. Good thing about it you can use it as a boost pedal when you lower the gain.

Tone Freak Abunai II: http://www.tonefactor.com/proddetail.php?prod=TFA2 I use this for higher gain, it has a switch for three different sounds: Asymmetrical clipping: (Boss) for thick overdrive with an edge. Symmetrical clipping: (Tube Screamer) for a smoother, warmer, less edgy sound.)
Left: 3 diodes asymmetrical
Middle: Diode lift
Right: Pair of LEDs symmetrical

I use both pedals with a slightly crunch from the amp when I need drive and I use the BB with a clean amp when I need boost. My amp is the Suhr Badger 30 (38 watts, 2xEL34).

I discovered recently the Catalinbread Super Charged Overdrive and I have it on my list... http://www.tonefactor.com/proddetail.php?prod=Charger http://www.proguitarshop.com/product.php?ProductID=272&CategoryID=

Boss Blues Driver modded by Keeley sounds great too for low gain http://www.proguitarshop.com/product.php?ProductID=43&CategoryID=

Check also Lovepedal Purple Plexi http://www.proguitarshop.com/product.php?ProductID=587&CategoryID=

It might not be what you are looking for but I have a Tube Works Tube Driver classic tube overdrive 911 and it is amazing.  with a 12ax7 and a metal case built like a tank.  It sings.    anybody else use one of these ?  I never hear anybody mention it.  Unfortunately they don't make them anymore but you can find them on ebay.
If you did want to look at boss try the OS-2. its got a blend knob that says overdrive at one end and distortion at the other.  very versatile pedal. and can do anything from chuck berry to tool.
Personally, I use different pedals for different amps.

When I'm using my Carvin Nomad, I use both the Visual Sound Route 66 and their Jekyll and Hyde.  They both have the TS9 vibe, but with low end.  Love 'em.

When I use my Carvin Legacy, I've fallen in love with the Fulltone MOSFET Fulldrive 2.  It just seems to be the best boost for the front of the Legacy's crunch channel that I've found yet. 

I DO intend to pick up an OCD soon, though, so we'll see how that goes....  :icon_biggrin:
I have a Maxon OD-808.  Really natural sounding.  I can turn it on on my clean channel and get a great Eric Johnson(ish) type of thing happening or use it with my dirty channel and get some extra "hair" (gain).
Well, if you're on this forum you must be a little bit of a DIYer. I recommend building your own! There are several sites that sell ready-to-make kits, including pre-drilled housing, PCB, and all the parts you need. All you need is to paint it (or leave the enclosure plain) and solder! One of the greatest things is that these kits are in much smaller enclosures than most other effects, saving that precious floor space.

Build Your Own Clone (BYOC) offers a tube screamer kit, complete with all of the popular mods so you can choose what you want to do with it. Although it looks like right now they are coming out with a new TS+boost kit. They also have a Rat kit that has a switch enabling you to select 6 different clipping stages, including the original, higher gain, and asymmetrical clipping.

There's also General Guitar Gadgets, which offers copies of classic effects as well.

I can't recommend either of these guys highly enough. You can build your own boutique effects at a fraction of the price!
Its not cheap, but a pal of mine is really digging his Seymour Duncan Twin Tube Classic. He loves the versatility of the unit, which allows you to be able to switch between a rhythm and lead OD intensity. He claims that its like having a Fender Twin in a pedal. His only gripe about it is that he had to send it back for repairs when someone at a party was drunk and dropped the thing onto the floor when he was looking at it. It came back with decent speed though--I'd say between 10 days and 2 weeks.
Kostas said:
Boss Blues Driver modded by Keeley sounds great too for low gain http://www.proguitarshop.com/product.php?ProductID=43&CategoryID=

Kostas, thanks for the link to this. I went to Keeley's site and have a feeling that I'm going to be spending a few dollars there.
Thanks for all the great suggestions.  I'm looking for something that will give me a bluesy kind of vibe, but strong enough to give me a little boost for solos when I'm using my distortion channel.
Hey, Shane, did you hear the audio clip of the Blues Driver from that link that was posted? Sweeet!
I posted a cool comparison site in another thread.  If your looking at a Blues Driver, its on there too.

mullyman said:
Kostas said:
Boss Blues Driver modded by Keeley sounds great too for low gain http://www.proguitarshop.com/product.php?ProductID=43&CategoryID=

Kostas, thanks for the link to this. I went to Keeley's site and have a feeling that I'm going to be spending a few dollars there.

You are welcome, check also http://www.analogman.com/ lots of infos on this site and excellent pedals.