
Our Govt, my bank, my money, I'm PO'd

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whoa how did palin get tossed into this conversation, i voted mccain/palin. not for palin though.

we all know buisness banks and politician are all evil bastards. the large businesses and banks may need to be regulated for the good of america. im not for no government involvement, i just dont like it when government finds ways to redistribute wealth in there regulations.
i heard in new york they want to provide people with free cell phones, the program would be paid for not in taxes but buy the profits of the cell provider. like poor people all need phones and the cell providers need reasons not to lower rates, why should i pay my obserd cell bill  while the underprivlaged family next door get phones and service for free??

i know cell companies are bastards, it is how big buisness operates, each company wants too be as little better than the next as possible, then trap you with a contract in case the other guy is better. they make billions and dont use the money to makes things better but no company who wants improvments can get big enough to compete in the first place. it's the mentality that killed the auto industry once imports became better than american cars but i dont know what can kill the comunication industry. if the government could find a way to lower cell phone bills so lower income families (and me) could afford them i'd be ok with that but they want my cell bill to be used to give phones to people as a gift. when did a cell phone become as necessary as food and shelter?

i know i got off topic here, just as i said in the first post, interest is compensation that you are entitled to, lack of interest is robery wheather the bank, government, president or whoever is responsable and the fact alone that the goverment didn't protect it is wrong.  the stipulation that accounts over a certain ballence are the ones with no interest and must be claimed back by the account holder is wrong and it is the redistribution of wealth.

like it was said earlier the this is starting to look like the USSA
A lot of times if they jack your cell rates you can get out of the contract.  I know Sprint just raised some random fee like 9 cents and buried in the fine print was a little note that you could get out of your contract as a result. It supposedly wasn't the easiest thing to do, but you could do it in less than ten minutes.

That said, the government shouldn't be in the business of regulating prices.  That should be the consumer being smart.  If people migrate away from exorbitant prices, they'll have no choice to lower them or give you more for the money which is effectively the same thing. 

only if everyone does it. a few smart consumers don't make up for the rest of the country, i agree they(the government) shouldn't regulate prices but they shouldn't give cell companies an added expense either.

i know the consumers willingness to pay is at fault here. it may be different in some states but where i live there is an over abundance of yuppies that spend money like it's water, funny thing is that it's money they don't have, my father makes more money than most of these people who like to look like bigshots and walk around with an im better than you attitude, and my father actually works for a living.
i dont know anyone that actually owns things, they have a payment for everything, and once something is paid off they get another, they dont work for there money, not real work anyway so it has no value to them and they allow the world to take advantage of there willingness to pay.  we need a big change in the people and the government and maybe the recent crisis didn't pinch us hard enough.
The original bank bailouts and the WaMu takeover were both before the 2008 election. Both McCain and Obama were brought in for a briefing and both publically stated that the action was necessary. Complain about the gov't all you want, but trying to blame everything that went wrong on the current prez is brain dead partisanship and selective amnesia at its stupidest.
I totally agree with =CB=

I also agree if you dont like these type of threads, stay away

I can't believe any rational common sense thinking person thinks we need more Govt.
In my mind, the only people that want more govt are just lazy with no hope of a better life by their own efforts, so they want the rest of the taxpayers to pay    ie...more govt.

read into that what you like, bottom line, if you think Govt needs more tax money and more social programs, your whats wrong in the big picture.
As Reagan once said, "Government is like a little rich kid with an allowance. The bigger the allowance, the more he'll spend!"  :icon_thumright:

This new bill that Obama passed  recently, quietly behind closed doors in the White House called the "Pay as You Go" bill sounds great right? So why the secrecy? Probably because the bill gives them the authority to tax "as needed" to balance the budget, not reduce the size of the budget.

Alfang said:
I totally agree with =CB=

I also agree if you dont like these type of threads, stay away

I can't believe any rational common sense thinking person thinks we need more Govt.
In my mind, the only people that want more govt are just lazy with no hope of a better life by their own efforts, so they want the rest of the taxpayers to pay    ie...more govt.

read into that what you like, bottom line, if you think Govt needs more tax money and more social programs, your whats wrong in the big picture.

Every time the government backs off and lets the money people do whatever they want, the country is run into a ditch. And the people with the money don't usually do that bad in those times, it is everyone else that suffers.

The funny part to me is that CB put his money in a bank that failed, but the government stepped in to find a buyer and made sure he got all the principal back (if I read correctly). He was out a year's interest because he didn't bother checking what was going on with his money. Without the government, he would be out all his money. That's what would have happened before the government started regulating banks and requiring insurance, etc. It reminds me of the people that say they don't want government health care, but keep your hands off my medicare.

There are plenty of people who are out a lot more than a year's worth of interest because of the financial meltdown and the recession that followed. What happened might not seem fair, but you have to be pretty fortunate to have this kind of problem.
=CB='s money is guaranteed by the FDIC, even if the bank was allowed to fail, his principle is secured already and earned interest that was deposited into his accounts along with it. Because once the interest is posted into your account, it becomes your money and part of your principle.
Death by Uberschall said:
As Reagan once said, "Government is like a little rich kid with an allowance. The bigger the allowance, the more he'll spend!"  :icon_thumright:

He would know. He increased spending and the debt enourmously.

This new bill that Obama passed  recently, quietly behind closed doors in the White House called the "Pay as You Go" bill sounds great right? So why the secrecy? Probably because the bill gives them the authority to tax "as needed" to balance the budget, not reduce the size of the budget.

Get a grip. The president can't pass bills secretly. It went through congress. Just because you weren't paying attention doesn't mean people are keeping things from you.

The article doesn't even say what you say it does. Congress has all the authority it needs to tax, this would require cuts if the congress can't get its act together. Paygo rules helped balance the budget during the 90s. The rule was allowed to expire in 2003 and the deficits exploded again. We need to to fix the long-term debt problem.

John McCain co-sponsored the bipartisan debt commission which would have foced a vote on some hard choices about how to get some sanity back  in the budget. After the president endorsed it, McCain then voted against his own damn bill. It isn't one party or the other that is wrecking the country, it is the crazy partisanship that makes people demonize each other for trying to find solutions to problems that is doing it. Too many people are just too willing to believe any lies they are told about the "other side". As only too well evidenced here.
Death by Uberschall said:
=CB='s money is guaranteed by the FDIC, even if the bank was allowed to fail, his principle is secured already and earned interest that was deposited into his accounts along with it. Because once the interest is posted into your account, it becomes your money and part of your principle.

You do realize that the FDIC ran out of money and the government had to bail it out?
Government is not anything like a rich kid with an allowance, that's a stupid analogy and Reagan is the one who started the government on the path of not caring a whit about deficits. He cut taxes and did nothing about spending whatsoever, Yet unemployment was over 10% in his second year in office, and he started us down the path to banking deregulation that led directly to the S&L scandal and on through today's disaster. Pay as you go is the only policy that resembles actual fiscal responsibility (ie what "conservatives" claim to be hah) - if you want to increase spending, find a revenue source either by cutting something less important or by raising taxes. To complain BOTH about the debt AND about pay-go makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, since pay-go is the only way we'll ever figure out the debt.
richship said:
Death by Uberschall said:
As Reagan once said, "Government is like a little rich kid with an allowance. The bigger the allowance, the more he'll spend!"  :icon_thumright:

He would know. He increased spending and the debt enourmously.

This new bill that Obama passed  recently, quietly behind closed doors in the White House called the "Pay as You Go" bill sounds great right? So why the secrecy? Probably because the bill gives them the authority to tax "as needed" to balance the budget, not reduce the size of the budget.

Get a grip. The president can't pass bills secretly. It went through congress. Just because you weren't paying attention doesn't mean people are keeping things from you.

The article doesn't even say what you say it does. Congress has all the authority it needs to tax, this would require cuts if the congress can't get its act together. Paygo rules helped balance the budget during the 90s. The rule was allowed to expire in 2003 and the deficits exploded again. We need to to fix the long-term debt problem.

John McCain co-sponsored the bipartisan debt commission which would have foced a vote on some hard choices about how to get some sanity back  in the budget. After the president endorsed it, McCain then voted against his own damn bill. It isn't one party or the other that is wrecking the country, it is the crazy partisanship that makes people demonize each other for trying to find solutions to problems that is doing it. Too many people are just too willing to believe any lies they are told about the "other side". As only too well evidenced here.
Oh sorry, I used the wrong wording, he didn't pass it, he signed it.

And you get a grip, we're just having a discussion here, no need to ruffle your feathers.  :doh:
I'm out, you guys enjoy.  :icon_thumright:
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