Ordering Progress


Junior Member
I wonder if you guys can tell me about your experience when ordering?

Almost a month ago I called Warmoth to place my first order, but because of the many info (addres, bank account, etc.) we decided to do the order by mail. So I email them immediately. I think it should be normal if Warmoth would sent some email that they received my order, and that they're working on it and will keep me updated. And answer my questions off course. But, I didn't get anything. When I mailed them for the third time for a confirmation, I finally got something. Just "we're waiting to here back from the custom shop..." (I had some unusual request). And nothing about my questions or if I forgot something in my order. Then I got my answers at last. So everything was clear to me, and I wanted to pay them as I was eager to get my stuff as fast as possible. I asked for their bank information (for a bank wire transfer, I don't have a credit card), but again, I had to mail them a couple more times to get a reply a week later.

Ok, their last mail was only their bank info, so I thought everything is all right, and I transferred the money. Them I'm waiting and waiting again, and finally receive a reply with a summary of my order and a message that the payment is a bit too short (I made a stupid miscalculation). But damn, they should tell me this in the first place, and not when it's too late!

Now I told them to remove some stuff, and again, I'm waiting... Maybe some of the staff is working once a week (which wouldn't be very customer friendly, especially if I'm all nervous not knowing I have to wait a full week for a responce)?

And don't know how it's going with you guys, but for me this is not a very pleasant order. It's a month later now, and they still haven't give me a confirmation for my final order...  :-\
Did you try calling them?  Also, maybe something is going on... when I was ordering there was a scary silence for about a week afterwards because of NAMM
I sent my order by snail mail (printed out the online forms) and they got back to me very quickly through e-mail for conformation, questions etc.. I'm very happy so far. Sent it out in the beginning of February and I heard from them in about a week I think. It seemed reasonably quick.
I have made a couple different orders over the past month or so for my first warmoth project.  I have used a couple different methods (E-Store, Email, Showcase and Phone in).  By far, I am most pleased with actually phoning in and actually speaking with some one as I can get all my questions answered at that time.  There was usually about a 3 to 5 day wait anytime I sent an e-mail order. 

There is the posibility that your E-Mail provider is actually blocking the e-mails Warmoth is trying to send.  I know I recently placed an order for some pickups from Bare Knuckle Pickups and I gave them 2 different e-mail addresses and even though they replied to both, only one came through.

I think its one of those view point things.  I'm one of those guys that looks at email as a fairly immediate form of communication.  A lot of people don't.  From my few email exchanges with Warmoth, I get the impression they view email more traditional mail, they are a little slow to respond. 

Personally, I don't take offense, but I also don't sit on my email for 3 days and get steamed.  I had emailed them to make a change to my order at one point.  I didn't get an answer within couple of hours, so I called and made the change.  It was a good thing too, if I had waited a half hour longer, I would have had to pay the change fee as my order was about to get pulled. 

The sales and customer service guys at Warmoth probably have a whole bunch of things going on all the time, so I understand they may not be the quickest on turning around emails.  By the same token, I hope they understand when I nudge them a little when I really need a question answered :)
Thanks for the replies!

I prefer contacting by the phone too, but like I said, since there we had to exchange a lot of numbers Warmoth advised that emailing would be more handy. And I don't need to have an answer within a couple of hours (Eric is very fast in replying though), a short email once every week is very slow to me. By the way, I'm 100% sure my provider doesn't block the Warmoth-emails.

But that's even not the worst thing. The fact I don't get any confirmation/status on my order is not very friendly. Or that I place an order, more than three weeks later I can transfer the money, and after (when it's too late) that I'm hearing that my calculations were not correct.  :icon_scratch:
March is Warmoth's busiest month. Each sales guy is maxxed out all day, everyday right now. We're still handling things pretty efficiently from an overview perspective but the guys do and need to prioritize their tasks daily.

I can't comment about the numbers discrepancy that you mention; best to talk directly to Warmoth about that. But as far as the response times, if you can afford us a little grace until we get through the next month and a half, you'll see response times improve. Thanks.
jackthehack said:
"March is Warmoth's busiest month."

Any particular reason why? Wouldn't have guessed that....

Tax refund checks for new orders and orders that were placed late in the holiday season are coming out of the shop.  Granted, there isn't really a slow season at all these days.

Artnaz, best to email or call Rob with any questions.  If you're asking for a number of custom shop options, you will need to wait until feasibility and cost have been determined.  The custom shop has no shortage of work and demands on time.  A month lead time in working out the details for a one of a kind piece is nothing compared to the lead time you may find in other custom shops around the world.
Thanks again. In the beginning there were maybe some "difficult" questions, but the short simple questions take a week too. And again, that's not really the problem. But when I place an order, it would be nice if I get a email like "thanks for the order, we'll start working on you order and keep you updated". But only on my third mail for confirmation I got the response "we're waiting for the reply of the custom shop". Second point is that I emailed the full order with pricing right away with the first mail (and a couple of more times later on) to get some kind of reply like "everything is clear, you can transfer the money so we can start on your order" or "you forgot to mention the neck contour". Or in my case I took the wrong neck pricing (stupid me! :doh:), but Rob mentioned this after I had transferred the money already...

But, this all isn't a huge problem of course. Though it would be nice if Warmoth would say what's going to be next and check the order somewhat earlier.

And off course I just can't wait for my first Warmoth, and hope I can say the same great things about the quality and beauty of the instrument! No doubt that'll the case!  :cool01:
artnaz said:
Thanks again. In the beginning there were maybe some "difficult" questions, but the short simple questions take a week too. And again, that's not really the problem. But when I place an order, it would be nice if I get a email like "thanks for the order, we'll start working on you order and keep you updated". But only on my third mail for confirmation I got the response "we're waiting for the reply of the custom shop". Second point is that I emailed the full order with pricing right away with the first mail (and a couple of more times later on) to get some kind of reply like "everything is clear, you can transfer the money so we can start on your order" or "you forgot to mention the neck contour". Or in my case I took the wrong neck pricing (stupid me! :doh:), but Rob mentioned this after I had transferred the money already...

But, this all isn't a huge problem of course. Though it would be nice if Warmoth would say what's going to be next and check the order somewhat earlier.

And off course I just can't wait for my first Warmoth, and hope I can say the same great things about the quality and beauty of the instrument! No doubt that'll the case!  :cool01:

Hey Artnaz,
I am sure you will be happy.. especially with that configuration and wood combo! ;)
just give them a call! that is what I did earlier this afternoon to follow up on my email order from yesterday!  :blob7: :blob7:
(i will be too excited to work for the next couple of weeks  :toothy12:)
Just to chime in here:

I did all my ordering through e-mail, and I couldn't be happier with the response time.  Most of my emails were answered same day (depending on when I sent them of course) and I got ordering confirmation quite promptly.  So I have no qualms about ordering through email again.
Just received the final confirmation on my order! :hello2:

Should take 4-6 weeks, but I hope Warmoth won't find a way to charge my not-existing credit card at the moment of shipping, as stated in the e-mail!  :icon_biggrin: (I already made a bank wire transfer).

So I'm back on track again, I just can't wait! :redflag:

(If there will be a next time I'll call Warmoth though)
Tax refund checks for new orders

Hee-Hee.  That was me!  Hey Artnaz, sorry you were having difficulties, trust me it will all be worth it when you open that box!  Just wanted to say also that I have ordered by phone, mail, and the online store, and have always received what I consider to be promt service.  Of course none of my stuff has been all that crazy as far as custom ordering, I'm too impatient to wait on custom orders it seems!  Anyway, glad it is working out and good luck with your project!
spauldingrules said:
It would be nice to get an email confirmation of an order, even if by telephone.  It can't be that hard.
When we get our new software for order taking in about a year, it will be easy and we will do it then.