
Oooh, I never want another guitar without THESE!

Alright guys, let's all pack it in and go home.  The quest for perfect tone is over.  Please return to what you were doing previously. 
swarfrat said:
I think its a spoof. For starters - quartz is indeed hard (and hard means brittle). You can't extrude it or bend it. The only way you could make these things would be to sputter coat some metal substrate. The pictures obviously don't look it. They're certainly not carved - it would take a jeweler months to do a single guitar. Breakage would be horrendous.  The music biz is kinda small in the corporate manufacturing world. Especially compared to toasters, tv's, etc.. If something like this were real, it would require a company the size of Fender or Ibanez to get the stuff made.  This is not something 6 guys in a shop in TN are doing.

The only remaining possible way to make the frets that I can see is to basically superglue quartz dust.  

it could be made rather quickly if it went through a series of grinding operations. just need some special fixtures and metal grinding wheels coated with industrial diamonds, it may even be possible to cut it with silicon carbide wheels which can be dressed to any contour rather inexpensively.
apparently quartz can also be synthesized according to wikipedia. maybe it could be done inside a mold?
That's how Truetemp does their equal temperament frets.


They're cast. But, they also wouldn't shatter under pressure.
Cagey said:
That's how Truetemp does their equal temperament frets.


They're cast. But, they also wouldn't shatter under pressure.

Has anyone here tried these btw?
There's a lovely koa-topped soloist around here with a TT neck.

On topic...

...nope, can't think of anything to say.