
Oooh, I never want another guitar without THESE!


Master Member

And they say stainless steel frets will piss off your technician... :hello2:
Hahah what the hell man... it looks good though I have to give them that.
If they'll make me look like this, I'm sold!

Steve_Karl said:
more snake oil for posers :-)

But, but but.........they claim to have AMAZING TONE & INCREDIBLE SUSTAIN......with claims like that, you just have to believe them right? :icon_thumright:  :tard:

On a more serious note, metal strings vs. crystal (stone) frets...How long are these frets gunna last all that string bending grind and hitting on the notes? Me thinks not long.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:

Damn it!  Now what am I supposed to do?

Kinda like that monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey? Where's the apes?  :icon_thumright:

OzziePete said:
Steve_Karl said:
more snake oil for posers :-)

But, but but.........they claim to have AMAZING TONE & INCREDIBLE SUSTAIN......with claims like that, you just have to believe them right? :icon_thumright:  :tard:

On a more serious note, metal strings vs. crystal (stone) frets...How long are these frets gunna last all that string bending grind and hitting on the notes? Me thinks not long.

I wonder what Tag thinks, Tag is very knowledgeable about tone. I would never order music equipment before talking with Tag because Tag knows tone.
How It Works

Home » How It Works

Metal frets and a metal string create a natural distortion due to metal on metal contact. There are other materials that can be used in place of metal frets. Other patents with inferior materials have come and gone over the years, like ceramics and glass. These other man-made materials also produce clear tone and longer sustain. But when 100% pure quartz crystals are used, the need for replacement frets comes to an end. Metal can never wear down the frets; only diamonds can cut and polish these stones.

With quartz crystal frets, you get clear tone and extended sustain, because the density of the quartz keeps the string’s vibrational energy from going through or around the fret, where that energy would be lost. The string follows the the same molecular structure as the quartz, a single helix pattern that makes the string fully tunable, only in RPS. This not only boosts the sustain, it produces a warmer, fuller, more powerful sound, that makes a stock metal fret guitar sound flat.

wtf? the string follows the molecular structure of the quartz in a single helix? and that somehow makes the string more tunable? what the hell is "RPS," and wait oh these are better than ceramic because they can also be cut by diamonds, makes no sense? im pretty sure ceramics can get harder than quartz. infact ceramics can cut carbides, machine tools can have cermet inserts that are a type of ceramic and are used in applications where carbide isnt hard enough. i dont know much about crystal quartx but i was under the impression that it wasn't that hard.

then they suggest that although glass and ceramic are good as well they are inferior because metal can not wear quartz?  :icon_scratch: didn't i just go over how ceramic is harder than metal, even carbides of metals  :icon_scratch:

they do however look pretty and im sure they sound slightly different. but how would you install them? are they manufactured to a  particular radius? is there any flexability? if you wanted a compound radius would you have to manufacture a fret for each position with a custom taylored radius?
Too funny. Y'know, just when I think I've read the most outrageous claims a marketing weenie can possibly fabricate, another one comes along to top his littermates.

Now we're told there are frets that are so hard, they won't transmit vibrations? And while being made of quartz, they have the same molecular structure as steel? And they have helical molecular structures? What kind of crystals have helical molecules? Maybe they're living crystals?

Geez. What color is the sky in their world?

I'm thinking this may be a satire, not a real company/product. We'll have to ask Tag. Tag knows tone <grin>
Yeah, I mean how would you even install/seat them?

tap, tap, shatter.... crap.


That was a half-ass explaination that they gave for how they work.  I like the distortion of metal on metal. :laughing7:  Skip the crystal and just give me diamond frets.  :icon_tongue:
Dan025 said:
they do however look pretty and im sure they sound slightly different. but how would you install them? are they manufactured to a  particular radius? is there any flexability? if you wanted a compound radius would you have to manufacture a fret for each position with a custom taylored radius?

StewMac will soon carry Quartz Benders  :icon_jokercolor:
I think its a spoof. For starters - quartz is indeed hard (and hard means brittle). You can't extrude it or bend it. The only way you could make these things would be to sputter coat some metal substrate. The pictures obviously don't look it. They're certainly not carved - it would take a jeweler months to do a single guitar. Breakage would be horrendous.  The music biz is kinda small in the corporate manufacturing world. Especially compared to toasters, tv's, etc.. If something like this were real, it would require a company the size of Fender or Ibanez to get the stuff made.  This is not something 6 guys in a shop in TN are doing.

The only remaining possible way to make the frets that I can see is to basically superglue quartz dust.  