Whoever it was (up there in the thread) who suggested the 3/8 inch StewMac ferrules was the person who started a train of thought that made me examine the holes in the guitar. I dont know why Warmoth drills those holes so dang deep! I didn't measure them, but I bet they're a full inch deep. That made me think... crap, those 3/8 ferrules are straight sided, whats gonna hold 'em in place in those deep holes? As it was, with my Mitutoyo small hole gauges, and a caliper, I was able to determine that the holes "down deep" were about .305ish to about .310ish. That would make the .3125 Tele cups a nice press fit. Then I went on to think... hmm... I wonder how deep the drilled out part is. I dont recall the exact measurement, but it was such that the very end of the Tele cup would just kiss the smaller (and non-enlarged) part of the hole. At that point, the reasoning was - if I could get those dudes a little deeper, I'd have them seated into the tigher wood at the bottom, and on the "lip" at the top. Drilling a counter hole outside a hole is impossible unless you feel like doing it with an endmill on a Bridgeport. Thats why I wanted to make some sort of piloted drill to keep things concentric. By altering the Uni-Bit step drill, via Dremel and drill press method, I was able to create a piloted shank that would guide itself inside the existing hole, and cut concentrically with it. That part worked really well. All I gotta do is work that G string cup just a little bit deeper (maybe only .005 or so, you can barely feel it sticking "higher".
That there is the twisted thought of "the crazy man" in the swamp. Y'alls ideas set the wheels spinning in my noggin, and presto... "consummatum est".