
ok, how am I gonna do this....?


Epic Member
A while ago, I got a nice Warmoth tele body, and am now to the point of assembling it.

Problem is, most of the holes were "enlarged", which I'm sure the seller had no idea about.

I've got all the holes plugged and redrilled, no big deal there, except... the string retaining ferrules.

The Ferrules I have measure .312 
The holes measure .325 to .327

I really hate to plug these holes for what amounts to ten thousandths.

Some ideas comes to mind -

The "build it up with super glue" method
The "plug and redrill" method
The "shim it with little wedges" method
The "epoxy them in forever" method
The "make your own ferrules out of stainless" method
The "fill the hole with AccraGlass and redrill" method

And I'm open to suggetions too.

Warmoth drills those string thru counterbore holes really deep.  I never noticed before.  I may just plug 'em. 

Advise folks... if you please!
Man, with a top notch product, why not just go with the top notch solution?  Suck it up, plug, and redrill. 

I prefer the "F**k the ferrules and stick a Floyd on it!" method.  :icon_biggrin:

Cagey said:
I think if it was me, I'd just get some larger ferrules and open the holes up a tad. StewMac sells some 3/8" (.375") ferrules you could use.

Very real chance the finish may chip on installing that.  Has a really nice W clear finish at the present time
I would use the 'build it up with super glue' method as long as the lip on the ferrule still has plenty of wood to contact (seem like it would if the hole is only .010" oversize). The tension of the strings is going to hold the ferrules in, and you won't be able to see the work without removing the ferrules. There would also be less chance of messing up the finish than with some of the other methods.
How'd I do?


Ended up grinding a step drill to use as a pilot for the existing hole, and a custom size for the ferrule "skirt".  Sunk 'em down in there close to flush.  Had a few little finish lifts, but superglued "under" them and along the wood too in the new counterbore.  Let that dry and fit the ferrules right in.  They're removable without too much bother too.  I can go back and make some minor depth corrections after things settle in and the strings get changed again.
Nah, the elevation is a little uneven... I need to correct that, its drivin' me nuts!  But I'll finish assembly first.  The elevation on those is just a matter of removing the strings and cups, and kissing the inner edge of the couterbore with the tool. 
Even though it's not perfect by your standards CB, it looks great.  What are the rest of the build specs?
=CB= said:
Nah, the elevation is a little uneven... I need to correct that, its drivin' me nuts!  But I'll finish assembly first.  The elevation on those is just a matter of removing the strings and cups, and kissing the inner edge of the couterbore with the tool. 

Well =CB= you're not going to burn much gas getting driven to crazy. just a hop, skip, and a jump from where you are now!
Yah and tomorrow the crazyman re-frets Vic's vintage Mustang with the DEAD FLAT neck... what a nice neck it is.

Hey it was y'alls encouragement that got it done quick!  Maybe tonite I'll wire it up.  Tomorrow, no Tele, just Mustang (what a way to drive one's self nuts!)
smjenkins said:
What are the rest of the build specs?

Very light ash body with clear finish, tummy cut, forearm cut, goncalo/goncalo neck with SS frets, standard bridge with Fralin +10 tele bridge pickup, Gibson mini-humbucker at the neck, and a nice vintage pearl guard.  I'm not 100 percent on the goncalo neck on "this" guitar, but ... time will tell once we plug it in.

The one on the right.
ORCRiST said:
I prefer the "F**k the ferrules and stick a Floyd on it!" method.  :icon_biggrin:

Agreed.... :headbang:

hachikid said:
ORCRiST said:
I prefer the "F**k the ferrules and stick a Floyd on it!" method.  :icon_biggrin:


a floyd on a tele.....you need to do this immediately!
It's been done several times, twice by me... :icon_biggrin:

Sorry CB, carry on... :icon_thumright: