
oh.....my.....god.....im in love

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does anyone have a picture of a jazzmaster with a standard fender american tremolo? because im now considering just using a fender tremolo instead of the standard jazzmaster tremolo but i just want to see how it looks. thanks
closest i could find was a vintage trem. looks similar tho

and a quick off topic question, if you have a graph tech nut you dont need string trees right?
i believe its when you have a Warmoth Pro Angled headstock then you dont need string trees but i may be wrong. the graphite's purpose is to keep the string from binding to the nut.
you sure? because my friend has a big apple strat and he put a black graphtech nut and he doesnt need string tress anymore
I actually think that metallic T burst looks hideous, but that's why there's variety.  :icon_thumright:

String trees are more a question of "should have" than need. They correct an inherent flaw of the cheap-to-make-and-also-strong strat and tele headstocks, which is the lack of angle on the backside of the nut. EVERY stringed instrument has an angled headstock ensuring a good downforce at the nut, EXCEPT fender products. Sure, you may not "need" a string tree, but you may be losing volume, tone, and sustain because the string vibration is not stopped completely enough at the point of the nut. You want the string to be very firmly pressed down at the nut, so minimal vibrations continue up to the tuners. It's the same reason the Jazzmaster bridge is so heavily criticized and said to cause poor sustain. The fix in that case is to put a pressure bar that does the same thing as a string tree - make sure the strings approach the bridge at a decent angle from behind it.
man tfarny really said it.

But I laughed at max's post so hard cuz it caught me off guard and I can just imagine ME saying that on any other day.  :laughing3: