Off topic

TBurst Std

Hero Member
AA can we create an Off Topic channel?

Off topic :I’m about ready to acquire
25% ownership in a business I’ve been iinvolved with for a decade plus. We
Will need to consider a total re launch.
I think you can start a "conversation " and invite people in on it. Though I've done one person at a time. Use the email icon and see what happens. Always fun to start something new. If you can try to limit your losses to your contributions.
I too have a business opportunity. This guy on the street was trying to recruit me to do some "slangin'" and "bangin'" or something, I wasn't really paying attention, but seemed very lucrative. He said it wasn't just a job, it is an adventure.
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It’s now what we would consider a social media company. And that may be the direction we take it to. Started off as a website catered to men with content and direct connections to various businesses we partnered with. Sort of a concierge business.
Issued cards with membership dues and while it offered professional connections, it also would auto remind, order, deliver stuff. Like on your anniversary or her BDay
The business started in 2007. I didn’t have the coin to invest at that point, but I was a non invested partner and created content for them as well as consulted. It’s been dormant for over a decade (a shame).

Anyways currently the ownership is 50/50 between my best friend and a friend. The friend has always been the stumbling block to do what we wanted. Finally got him to offer a buyout price. My best friend and I will split it, and I will own 25%.
Mark was the first friend I made when I moved to Jeff (Jeffersonville) back in 2021. Have been consulting them on inventory control, maximizing ROI, somewhat external ventures (example: Music Lab) and other items. Been doing so for about 2 years.

I was quite glad that Mark won the award. When I went in to congratulate him, I was humbled when he said I was part of the reason he was able to get it.
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If I get an influx of cash that I can capitalize it, I’ll open up a sister shop in the greater Elizabethtown KY area as that’s where I’m looking to build a house.
And Mark at Maxwell’s is not only the owner, but a very solid guitarist and even better singer. Fronts the main local band.

An oddity. One of the guitarists (stage right) is the husband of my wife’s good friend for decades , even before my wife and I met. Odd how it all comes together.
Playing devil's advocate here, be sure of your competition, today's relevance, and how much you value this friendship. Could lead to back slappin good times or degenerate into infighting.
Thank you for that. Something I always consider. I’d hate to lose a friesndship over a business venture. The Spud is wise!