
Now, now, Warmoth...

AutoBat said:
i noticed the listing is updated to Maple on Swamp Ash
I figured simplifying the wood species would minimize the heartache of Quilt being under the paint.  :icon_thumright:
10 years from now some kid will start sanding the paint off his dad's old guitar and have a "what the ????" moment... 

DAD! WTF were you thinking?????

Patrick from Davis said:
Max said:
DangerousR6 said:
Finch said:
i almost expect this to be an april fools joke that they forgot to take down haha quilted AND chambered AND painted jet black, the guitar god's must be angry over this one
This kinda reminds me of some people posting pics of their exquisite looking tops, and then them asking about a finish for it, and someone replying "flat black".... :doh:
It's the only way to finish Koa  :icon_jokercolor:

Let's not forget creosote as a finish option as well.

JaySwear said:
i've seen a few like that. i think the others were flame maple... maybe the ugliest flame / quilt maple ever seen?! strange either way.

Hey, I bought that one! It was around this time 2 years ago. I think it turned out pretty nice, you can actually see the flame figuring under the gloss black. I took some pictures and was going to post it on this forum (long time reader, first time poster). I don't think "Just Out of the Box" is appropriate anymore... maybe the Completed Strat section.
bigguspickus said:
JaySwear said:
i've seen a few like that. i think the others were flame maple... maybe the ugliest flame / quilt maple ever seen?! strange either way.

Hey, I bought that one! It was around this time 2 years ago. I think it turned out pretty nice, you can actually see the flame figuring under the gloss black. I took some pictures and was going to post it on this forum (long time reader, first time poster). I don't think "Just Out of the Box" is appropriate anymore... maybe the Completed Strat section.

now THAT would be cool haha to have a little bit of flame start poking through a thin finish. i'd love to see those pictures!
I posted 'em here http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=12287.0

Like most things, it looks better in person that in the pictures.