
No lefty Mustang, Jaguar nor Jag-Stang


Hero Member
Does anyone know why (besides all the normal, derogatory reasons) Warmoth doesn't offer neither the Mustang, Jaguar nor Jag-Stang oriented for a lefty?
reluctant-builder said:
Does anyone know why (besides all the normal, derogatory reasons) Warmoth doesn't offer neither the Mustang, Jaguar nor Jag-Stang oriented for a lefty?

Speculating here, but I suspect that, as with the markets for all lefty guitars, the cost of tooling/programming the CNC machinery to do lefties in those models has (so far) been deemed higher than the return on the investment of time would justify.  The 'Stang, Jag, and Jag-stang market is a very small fraction of the market for all bodies, and the lefty fraction of that market is much smaller still.

So, alas, you get the same story at Warmoth as you get from other manufacturers, but at least there are lots of other attractive options (i.e., you're not stuck with no choice but a black Strat with a white guard and a maple 'board).


Supply, demand, cost of tooling. Sorry bub. They don't make 21" scale guitars for "little people", either...
Yeah, I'm not shocked it comes down to economics, but I do wonder just how much effort goes into resetting the CNC to do lefty bodies. But I guess the ease of it isn't precisely the issue? It's more the volume of right-hand bodies they must do, in addition to the left-hand bodies they will do, that disrupting production at all for something so rare just isn't worth it?

Yet, I wonder what the monetary shortfall would be for the kind of "disruption" that would be making a lefty in any of those models. Just for academia's sake.

I have that whole "collect them all" bug, but the short-scales do make them pretty unattractive buys. Does anyone know why they were made so short?
You know, I have no idea where it came from - when I wanted to put up an avatar, I found it in a folder full of photos and images I had been saving for something, who knows what, and I thought, gee, that will do the trick.  I agree it looks like a Hellboy character, though.