
New Soloist Builder?!


Hero Member
Did I just totally miss this?! How long has it been out?

Since yesterday.  Still working out a few kinks.  If you notice any problems, please send an email to webmaster@warmoth.com.

Looks pretty good. I'm fiddling with it right now, and when I'm done, I'll campare proportions to real pics of soloist bodies in the showcase.
For some reason none of the pickup routes are showing when I build. I've tried it again and again with various wood back and laminate combos, both flat and carved top constructions  :icon_scratch:
You may want to try doing a hard refresh on your browser.  Ctrl + F5.  This should solve the problem you're having.  Your browser is keeping your old stylesheet cached (this is what determines the positioning of everything) and if you do a hard refresh, it will clear it out and everything should look normal.  This only happens in some cases (based on your settings in your browser, etc.) but we're trying to get it so that this isn't an issue anymore.  Should have this issue resolved for the next body we launch.
Alright.  We found a workaround, so no one should should be having any issues with the positioning on the Soloist builder...we're hoping.  Let us know if you see any more funkiness.
Works for me.

I'd really like one of those rascals in a carved top, but whew! That's some 'spensive body work.
trying to upload a screenshot, but I get a "upload folder is full-contact admin" message. ???  :dontknow:
If I had to guess, they're working towards that. It must be boosting sales, or they probably wouldn't be improving upon it. The new builders with hardware and pickguards included really help get it into new visitors' heads that (while W IS a parts company), many people source them for pretty nearly the whole guitar.
It's been stated that they prioritise the Str*t and Tele builders first, because that's what most people buy (:sad1:), and once they work as intended it's pretty easy to implement the other body styles.
You don't have to guess. They already said so. But Strat and Tele make up the bulk of body sales, and have the most options. I suppose this means soloist is the 3rd most popular body shape.
IMO (and I'm a pretty hard-core blues guy, so very vintage look oriented) . . . the carved top soloist is the best looking body offered by Warmoth. There's nothing like the look of a strat, of course, but the carved top soloist is simply gorgeous. The only way it might look more amazing is if they offered it with actual binding. But then again, the price on one like that would be insane, not to mention the epicosity would melt your face off.