
New Scartozi Bridge in the House!

Yeah, I know. Talked to my buddy a couple days ago and he said Monday, for sure. I said I want it here Monday night, no matter what. Get the bloody thing back from these guys even if it's not done, so at least I'll have it under control. There's another place nearby here that does the same sort of thing and is happy to do prototypes.
This makes me want to push up my meeting with a patent attorney.....which is something I need to get done anyways. So the anodizing guy is a friend of a friend.....I have no idea why this makes me nervous. Maybe "the guy" is waiting till he has more item getting anodized gold so he can run them all.....yeah, yeah that's what he's doin.  ???
That's the explanation given. This is being done as a favor. It's a production shop, so the part has to go through with a planned run of gold, not as a process run specifically for this part. They don't really do one-offs. Normally, there's at least one run of gold every week. Lately, it's been the whole world is doing red and blue stuff.

As for patenting, I'm not sure anything about this bridge would fit the criteria. On the other hand, the USPTO is awarding patents almost for the asking these days, so if you can afford a few grand to take a chance...

But, you can certainly copyright the design, and you can trademark the name. Copyright is free upon publication these days. However, registering a copyright with the LOC I think is about $25, and while registration is not necessary for you to claim copyright, it's more difficult to make much progress in any courts without it. Trademark costs a little more, I think because there's a certain amount of investigation that goes along with it.
Meeting with a patent attorney to see what type of protection is needed.....copyright, design patent, patent pending.....etc. basically the cheapest rout :icon_biggrin:

Got the bridge back this week. Not as happy as I could be. Pretty pissed, truth be told. But, check it out...


Here, we're looking as good as we're going to. Clearly, this is not gold Looks more like an olive color to me.


Another angle of it...


And then, the feces hits the air circulator. What the hell is this? Apparently, there was a some contamination
of the part with something non-conductive, so the process failed. (Anodizing is an electrical thing...)


And here's what it looks like on the body with gold parts. Not even close.

Poor Jeff had if for several days and was afraid to bring it over. Thought I was going to come after him with a chainsaw. Silly boy. Not his fault. But, I know who to avoid when anodizing/plating the next part. One thing's for sure - I won't be anodizing again - at least not this color. I can't imagine what this is going to match up with. I went through Warmoth's finish color/type charts and looked at firemist gold, shoreline gold, kukka gold, etc. and nothing is even close. Gonna have to be something contrasty. But then what hardware to use? I don't know. Just pisses me off.

So, anyway, now I need a brass version. I know I can make that work.

Dude, that's messed up. I would definitely not ever recommend them to anyone. Even if it was a favor, that's unacceptable. But all is not lost, that whatever finish that is can be removed. And started over... :dontknow:
Sorry Cagey....that really, really, really SUCKS!!!! B..U..T, if it makes you feel any better you get 50% off your next bridge. I did get your email and I'm still working out the pricing on the brass bridges.....I'll know more once doug is finished. I'll do my best to get you a new one asap (of course Doug plays a big role in that "asap" thang :toothy12:) but we all know he has nothing else better to do :icon_biggrin: :laughing7:
scartozi said:
Sorry Cagey....that really, really, really SUCKS!!!! B..U..T, if it makes you feel any better you get 50% off your next bridge. I did get your email and I'm still working out the pricing on the brass bridges.....I'll know more once doug is finished. I'll do my best to get you a new one asap (of course Doug plays a big role in that "asap" thang :toothy12:) but we all know he has nothing else better to do :icon_biggrin: :laughing7:
scartozi said:
Sorry Cagey....that really, really, really SUCKS!!!! B..U..T, if it makes you feel any better you get 50% off your next bridge. I did get your email and I'm still working out the pricing on the brass bridges.....I'll know more once doug is finished. I'll do my best to get you a new one asap (of course Doug plays a big role in that "asap" thang :toothy12:) but we all know he has nothing else better to do :icon_biggrin: :laughing7:

Yeah, I'm really disappointed. Guitar's ready to go, other than that and bolting on the neck, and I'm anxious to hear my Roadhouse pickup. I may screw this one on anyway just so I can finish assembly/setup in order to do that. I'll need the screw holes anyway. Just wastes a set of strings. They're cheap, though.
a nice fast orbital sander and 60grit....that'll work :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin:

I've heard oven cleaner works. I actually tried spraying some on my original bridge to see if I could get it to age to match the Driftwood theme....but nothing happened :dontknow: There is a certain ingredient that is needed in the oven cleaner....mine must not have had it.

Here is a video using Grease Lightning to remove anodizing.
The bridge had a good polish on it before anodizing right? If it did then they really did a poor job not to mention letting it out the door with the contamination. They should have redone it.

Cagey, is that an old Razr phone?
Yip, that sure is a Razr, a buddy of mine was using one up until a few months ago.... :laughing11:

I guess they're good for making calls... :dontknow:
TroubledTreble said:
The bridge had a good polish on it before anodizing right? If it did then they really did a poor job not to mention letting it out the door with the contamination. They should have redone it.

Cagey, is that an old Razr phone?

It was well-polished going in, and part of the anodizing process is supposed to be cleaning the part because anything that prevents electrical current flow will result in a poor finish. So, this was just a bad job, plain and simple. Then, regardless of what step(s) got skipped or overlooked, the results demanded a re-do that clearly didn't get done. So, bad shop. Bad Shop! Probably a buncha union whiners, wondering why they can't get paid for doing nothing, or why they can't get paid more than they are now for doing a half-assed job. It's no wonder Detroit's in the septic tank.

And yeah, that's a Raz'r. Works fine. I can't remember when I got it - gotta be 7 or 8 years ago - but it looks like new because I hardly ever use it. I'm about due for my third battery just because of age. I only keep it for when I go out in the big, scary world and most of the time I forget it even then. Somehow, I've managed to avoid the urge to be connected 24/7. Sometimes, you just gotta be "away from my desk at the moment" <grin>
I found a couple youtube videos on removing anodizing from aluminium.
Long method, using Easy Off & Grease Lightning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgMZ60Nbpe4
Short method, using an acetylene torch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBmmXA1GDwo

Like many things in life, the short method looks a bit riskier.
That long method was already posted, and is probably the way I'll do it. Although, "long" is relative. I suspect it'll take less time to do than that guy did explaining it. Guy is really long-winded. Some people just can't self-edit. It's like "why use one sentence when 50 will do?" Grandma's sewing circle is more concise.

I don't see me doing the acetylene thing. One, I don't have a tool like that, and two, I'm not sure I can be trusted with fire <grin>

That long method was already posted, and is probably the way I'll do it. Although, "long" is relative. I suspect it'll take less time to do than that guy did explaining it. Guy is really long-winded.

Kinda cool, he keeps apologizing for not listing every single product in the world that might do the same thing, then asks everyone to list the products they know that will do the same thing in the comments. And then the comments have been disabled, probably because oven cleaner is one of the many highly evil substances that you really don't want total idiots playing with. For example, if I posted:

Oven cleaner is great for cleaning your dentures!
without the caveat:
Take them out of your mouth first!
there'd be hellzapoppin' in Warmothland.

world is overpopulated by 5 billion yoinkelbutts, an' we're still tryin' to SAVE the dumbest ones.....