New Mexico Star


Master Member
Here's something I've been slowly working on.  The body is swamp ash, finished in trans yellow.  The neck is quartersawn maple with bloody basin jasper inlays.  The yellow and red color scheme is meant to capture the colors of the New Mexico flag.  DangerousR6 also did up a great neck plate for me.  The plate is the flag.  The plate is brass, not plated mild steel, so the color shouldn't rub off like a lot of gold hardware does.  I painted in the part Doug engraved using red paint, then clear coated it for preservation.  The rest of the hardware is going to be black.  Schaller Floyd Rose, Seymour Duncan Invader bridge pickup, DiMarzio Humbucker from Hell for the neck. 

If you note the headstock, you'll note it is not a Warmoth offering.  It was an Arrow headstock, which I did not really like.  So, I cut it down to something I came up with, but it is heavily inspired by the headstock on one of my Ibanez guitars.  Cut, sand, clear coat, sand.  I was a bit worried at first, cutting into a headstock on a ready-to-mount neck, but I think it turned out OK.

Finally, some may wonder what the significance of New Mexico is.  It is a long story, but suffice to say that although I live in California, my paternal ancestry traces to New Mexico, then back to the Basque country of Northern Spain.  :eek:ccasion14:

TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
I think it turned out stellar if you ask me.
What fret wire did ya go with?

Thank you, kind sir!  :eek:ccasion14:

The fret wire is 6115SS. 
The guitar looks great Doc! Love the headstock. Your ancestry story is interesting. My ancestors came over with Cortez and eventually settled in New Mexico.  :headbang:
pabloman said:
The guitar looks great Doc! Love the headstock. Your ancestry story is interesting. My ancestors came over with Cortez and eventually settled in New Mexico.  :headbang:

Thank you for the kind words, Pabloman.  Who knows, we might be distant cousins.  There was a large population who came from Iberia to Mexico, then to New Mexico.  But I'm sure you already knew that.  :eek:ccasion14:
Hahah when I read the title I thought the guy misspelled strat. Glad I opened it. Ohh he new what he was spelling and building! Awesome!!
DOC WTH man???  You are quite the factory lol.  That's got a really cool look about it.
Surf n Music said:
Hahah when I read the title I thought the guy misspelled strat. Glad I opened it. Ohh he new what he was spelling and building! Awesome!!

Ha!  That's awesome!  :laughing7:

@Stratamania:  Thanks, John. 

@Fdesalvo:  LOL!  Getting caught up with what parts I have on-hand.  I originally ordered solid yellow, then changed the order before it hit the paint shop to trans yellow.  Almost wishing I would have kept it solid, but the trans will do. 
DocNrock said:
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
I think it turned out stellar if you ask me.
What fret wire did ya go with?

Thank you, kind sir!  :eek:ccasion14:

The fret wire is 6115SS.

I've been considering that as an alternative to 6100/SS6100.
Tell me.  Does the pyramid profile on the crown of the SS6115 feel like it gives you a bit more room to get your fingers in there when playing in the upper frets, let's say, above the 17th?
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
Tell me.  Does the pyramid profile on the crown of the SS6115 feel like it gives you a bit more room to get your fingers in there when playing in the upper frets, let's say, above the 17th?

Seems to do that on my 6115 necks, of which I have two in standard thin, and one boatneck.  It is a tad more roomy between the frets in the upper register.
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
DocNrock said:
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
I think it turned out stellar if you ask me.
What fret wire did ya go with?

Thank you, kind sir!  :eek:ccasion14:

The fret wire is 6115SS.

I've been considering that as an alternative to 6100/SS6100.
Tell me.  Does the pyramid profile on the crown of the SS6115 feel like it gives you a bit more room to get your fingers in there when playing in the upper frets, let's say, above the 17th?

That is exactly why I ordered the 6115s on this build, especially since it has the 24 fret extension.  For a similar reason, I got the 6115s on my blue Velocity that I recently completed.  It is only 22 frets, but the neck is a short-scale.  I just got to play on it yesterday for the first time.  Indeed, it feels like there is a bit more room between frets above the 17th fret.  It's not a huge difference, but it definitely is a difference, and a good one, at that. 

Looks like Ian beat me to it.  :icon_biggrin: 
Very cool guitar.  Finish works great with the dots.

I should look into the 6115 wire.  I went with the 6100 on my partly because I'm used to it but partly because Warmoth doesn't offer what I really want.  Their "6105" is Jescar 47095 and is 0.095 x 0.047.  What Dunlop calls 6105 is taller and narrower than that, basically the same height as 6100 but narrower.  Jescar offers 55090 which is 0.090 x 0.055.  I wish that this were an option.
When I worked there, I felt plenty of SS6115, but never with strings on top.
I only felt it when inventory-ing the showcase.

It's like the best of the height of 6100's, without the traffic in the upper registers.

Thanks for the lowdown Doc.
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
When I worked there, I felt plenty of SS6115, but never with strings on top.
I only felt it when inventory-ing the showcase.

It's like the best of the height of 6100's, without the traffic in the upper registers.

Thanks for the lowdown Doc.

No prob.  And that is exactly my impression of them.  :icon_thumright: