
New axe, but what the hell is it? PICS!

It's Trevor Rabin, one of my favorites!

Yes Pete, that is a pretty sexy outfit!! :icon_biggrin:
So, after some sanding I found under the original finish some pen markings, and on close inspection, it was;

While trying to sand the neck, I pretty much destroyed half a sheet of paper because it was more grungy stuff than finish, most of which didn't come off, and as I sit here, i'm eying off that container of zippo lighter fluid on the mantle piece, that stuff is pretty much napatha or something, right? If so, I can use it to clean the crap off the neck, huh? (the neck is bare wood, I think maple although it's very light)
Lighter fluid is indeed naptha, but it's unlikely to dissolve whatever's on your neck. It'll just clean it. If the "grunge" is lacquer, then acetone will do it. If it's glue, then acetone or toluene may do it. If it's polyurethane, then good luck. MEK (Methyl-Ethyl Ketone) may do it, unless it's cross-linked. Then, you're pretty much stuck with sanding/routing/chiseling it off. Stuff is sturdy as hell, which is why it's such a robust finish. Be aware that all those chemicals are highly combustible, and you don't really want to get them on bare skin, either. Wear gloves.
Cagey said:
Lighter fluid is indeed naptha, but it's unlikely to dissolve whatever's on your neck. It'll just clean it. If the "grunge" is lacquer, then acetone will do it. If it's glue, then acetone or toluene may do it. If it's polyurethane, then good luck. MEK (Methyl-Ethyl Ketone) may do it, unless it's cross-linked. Then, you're pretty much stuck with sanding/routing/chiseling it off. Stuff is sturdy as hell, which is why it's such a robust finish. Be aware that all those chemicals are highly combustible, and you don't really want to get them on bare skin, either. Wear gloves.
I'm pretty sure the grunge is just a combo of dirt and sweat, things like that that just clog up the sandpaper.
In that case, almost any grease cutter will do, maybe even dishwashing detergent. Nice thing about that stuff is it's highly unlikely to hurt anything else.
I dunno, the headstock reminds me of a Hondo that I got in 86.  So does the bridge.  It was not the highest quality instrument.  My Brother got one of their basses as well, and I don't think that the neck was finished.  Anyways, fun mystery.
