New Admin

Fat Pete

Hero Member
Apologies if I missed the party but I just noticed we have a new administrator - congratulations Cagey!

Hopefully this means there'll be less bot nonsense as well as the weird 'awaiting approval' hold-ups for established members. (Please don't treat us mere mortals too harshly!)
Thanks! No party, no big deal, shouldn't notice any difference other than making sure things stay clean. The IT team at Warmoth is deep into other site work and just needs a bit of help with maintenance.
So, what can ya do (-if anything) about all the weird, new "celebrity" members we're encountering?

Yeah, I guess I shouldn't let it bother me... -at least they bring a lot less drama than the trolls.  :-\

Gee, Cagey, whaddaya wanna do tonight?

Try to take over the forum, just like every night.
I'm not sure if "congratulations" is really the right sentiment. I've got some experience with looking after forums and it's not exactly a glamorous lifestyle full of perks and celebrity parties. So instead I'll say thanks for stepping up, KG, and I think you're a great guy for the job.
All hail the new chief.

The Floyd threads will now be replaced by gold hardware appreciation threads.
If anyone around here "deserves" it, it is Cagey. :icon_thumright:
I put that in quotes because some forums I would consider it a punishment.  :icon_jokercolor:
Jumble Jumble said:
I'm not sure if "congratulations" is really the right sentiment. I've got some experience with looking after forums and it's not exactly a glamorous lifestyle full of perks and celebrity parties. So instead I'll say thanks for stepping up, KG, and I think you're a great guy for the job.

Agreed.  Now, don't eff it up!

I agree. Thanks for stepping up. You are always on it for helping with advice and now with the form. It is appreciated.