
NEON paint/Swirled finish


Senior Member
I would love a soloist in NEON green or yellow or pink or something crazy.

and of course a swirl finish a la Jem would be really cool to have as well

  anyone dig these kind of finishes?

whats the chance Warmoth would/could do this stuff?
Last time I checked the website it said that to get a custom paint job from Warmoth right now you'd have to fly in and do the work yourself.
Im saying it would be cool if they did this stuff standard. offered neon paints and swirls as standard options. sure it would be high price but so worth it!
Check out this website under services.  Scroll down toward the bottom of the page.
This cat has posted some really sick paint jobs on the forum. 
I would definitely consider him for a swirl paint job.  I have been thinking about one of these myself...


Swirl paint finishes can be very time consuming.


Somehow I doubt Warmoth would keep a tub of borax around.  How about buy an unfinished body of the Showcase and try the finish yourself?
I think that sims custom guy is in the UK....probably not a good idea to ship a body/neck to the uk and back.
