Need help positioning tuner holes


Hi there,

I'm building a G4 bass with a 13 degrees angled 1-1/2" 4-string neck. I did not have the tuner holes drilled out (14 mm.) as I am going to use
Schaller tuners. They measure 13 mm instead. Warmoth could not do this for me, so I had to do it myself. It is pretty difficult locating the exact position of these holes. I am going to calculate them, but would like to use a second method just to be sure. What I want to do is use a good photo of the Warmoth 4-hole 1-1/2" peghead, then scale it to the real peghead, cut it out and laying it on the real peghead and pinpoint the holes using this picture.

Does somebody have this peghead? If so, could you please send me a good picture of it? I prefer a picture straight above the surface of the peghead so it is as accurate as possible.

Thanks in advance!

I think you'd get a more accurate layout by measuring and drawing intersecting lines, all you need to know is , how far in from the edge they are and how far apart

Or better yet, line em up so the string goes as straight from the nut to the side of the post
Hi Alfang,

Thanks for your reply. That is the second thing I will do. But just to be sure, I'd like to use the photo-option too.