Hey Guys,
Fender's neck thickness evolves over time and we were wondering what the average thickness of the American Standard necks were for the last number of years. If some of you have one of these AMERICAN models in your possession, I wonder if you would take an accurate measurement with a pair of calipers of how thick the neck is from the middle of the fingerboard to the back of the neck at the first fret and then again at the 12th fret. This info would really help out.
Thanks! :toothy10:
Fender's neck thickness evolves over time and we were wondering what the average thickness of the American Standard necks were for the last number of years. If some of you have one of these AMERICAN models in your possession, I wonder if you would take an accurate measurement with a pair of calipers of how thick the neck is from the middle of the fingerboard to the back of the neck at the first fret and then again at the 12th fret. This info would really help out.
Thanks! :toothy10: