
Neck Specs


Junior Member
I have always taken my guitar necks for granted as they just feel nice in my hand.
With my first warmoth build the neck options are bewildering to me.

I would like to put together a neck resembling that of my SG however with the Tele headstock.

The nut widths offered by Warmoth does not include a *1.695*  as used on my SG, i do not understand which measurement would be closest to my SG so some help here would be appreciated.

I assume i should go for a thin Back Contour?

Fingerboard Radius on my SG in 12'  so on the selector should i go for Straight 12'? Whats the difference between this and the two sets of numbers? Eg 10-16' compound?

I have no details on the SG frets so some info there would be nice too  :)

Well after specing up a custom neck that comes to $302 nearly as expensive as the body itself =/ Might have to wait for something to come up on the showcase, but with this info i will know exactly what i am looking for.

Hopefully you can answer all my questions, lol

1 5/8" is 1.625"
1 11/16" is 1.6875"

The 2nd is closest for your desired nutwidth, a difference of .0075", or 7.5 human hairs, or smaller than an .008 gauge E string for comparison.
What is the thickness of the neck at the nut? At the 12th fret? Personally, I think that the 59' roundback is the best contour. I get cramps with thin necks. But once again, you need to measure your neck thickness (fretboard to the back of the neck).

As for the nut width, that's REALLY close to 11/16ths.

Fretboard radius? That's completely up to you. The idea with the 10-16' compound is that with the lower radius towards the nut, it is more comfortable to chord down there. With a larger radius up top, it's better to solo. Personally, I've never tried a compound neck. I prefer a small radius neck, like the old telecasters. I've never had a problem with that.

For frets, I'd say go Jumbo, 6150.
I also sometimes get a pain in my right hand (left handed) while playing long sets while standin up, is this a sign i should go for a larger neck contour?
That sounds more like you need to pull the guitar up from your knees....

Ha, where is the pain in your hand? Closer to your knuckles? Or closer to your wrist?
My guitar sits at a comfortable height for me and the pain is more in the palm of my hand, once i take it off the fret board and stretch it it dissapears.
Sounds like you need a heavier body and/or lighter neck; sounds like your hand is getting tired from supporting the neck.  When you let go of your axe, does the headstock fall towards the floor?

And for frets, I'd go with 6130, aka Medium Jumbo, aka What's probably on your SG.
He has an SG. AKA neck dive  :icon_jokercolor:

But seriously, he could have too thin of a neck. It would probably be a good idea to check out a couple guitars at the nearest GC and find what type of neck you like.
GC would be accross the pond =P

Making a trip to a large guitar shop who actually stock lefties soon, thats the problem with being a lefty, guitar stockists just dont stock enough for us to try different necks.
you just need the feel of the neck. Flip her over, and play it like that. I would never suggest buying a guitr like that, but to get a feel of a couple neck thicknesses, do it!

Once again, proof lefties should try doing something correctly for once... :icon_jokercolor:
Paul-less said:
you just need the feel of the neck. Flip her over, and play it like that. I would never suggest buying a guitr like that, but to get a feel of a couple neck thicknesses, do it!

Once again, proof lefties should try doing something correctly for once... :icon_jokercolor:

I'm so lucky I didn't inherit my dad's left-handedness...  :toothy12:
HowToKillAKing said:
Your so lucky i don't know you or you'd tast me left  :icon_jokercolor: :icon_thumright:

We shall see how things turn out.

I'd prefer to take a beating than be left-handed. What a pain in the ass that's gotta be! <grin>