
Neck Pocket Placement on custom body shape


Junior Member
I've been casually planning a guitar build for a few weeks now, doing careful research into various pieces of the ideal guitar. I'm currently finishing up the overall outline, and had question regarding the neck pocket.

How far should the neck pocket sit back in this body?
As far as you want it to.

I wouldn't go in too far, as it would limit the upper fret access.
I don't think that's a good response, because of course you can go as far in as you'd want to - the question is obviously directed towards proper placement with regards to improving upper fret access within the limitations of a bolt on neck.
Leo Fender already intro'd the ideal guitar design back in 1954.  :icon_jokercolor:

I have never designed or cut out a body in my life, but I've looked a bunch of 'em. In regards to your above drawing, I think I'd move the pocket up and away from body center. the side walls of the pocket don't do a lot in the way of keeping the neck stable (-just check out W's V design), so I don't think that much of the upper registers should be sacrificed... -just my huge opinion.
OperatorAce said:
I don't think that's a good response, because of course you can go as far in as you'd want to - the question is obviously directed towards proper placement with regards to improving upper fret access within the limitations of a bolt on neck.

I'm not sure what you're asking. What is "proper" placement? And what are the limitations of a bolt neck, that you think are going to factor into placing the neck pocket?