
"Neck Joint Stress"?


Junior Member
I'm new to the build-your-own world and have really enjoyed reading about all the successes that are related here (and hoping to have one of my own!).  With the collective experience on this board, I wonder if anybody can advise me on go/no go regarding a Tele body I see on Ebay.  The listing says the body has "neck joint stress."  To me that sounds pretty bad and makes me think that I might not want to bolt a new neck onto it.  Any ideas what this might mean?  See the link below for the actual listing.

The precise wording is "stress crack". In other words, a crack in the finish or wood that may or may not expand over time. There are ways to somewhat temporarily fix it, but to be honest I would not buy a $140 Tele body with that list of defects. I'd rather buy an unfinished body from Warmoth and either finish it myself or play it raw (yes, why not).
I wouldn't take that thing for free. That's a severe disappointment waiting to happen. I'm surprised they've got the nerve to list it. On the plus side, at least they're being honest about it.
Looks like some Pete Townshend wannabe went to town on that thing.

If you want a punk rock relic job, go for it - but at that price, it's ridiculous.  As others have opined, start with a sound, quality part and you'll be much better off.  Just 'cause it's a Genuine Fender part (presumably), that don't mean it is necessarily a GOOD part.
croquet hoop said:
The precise wording is "stress crack". In other words, a crack in the finish or wood that may or may not expand over time. There are ways to somewhat temporarily fix it, but to be honest I would not buy a $140 Tele body with that list of defects. I'd rather buy an unfinished body from Warmoth and either finish it myself or play it raw (yes, why not).

Very succinctly put.  :icon_thumright: