
neck fit


I am putting togeter the shopping list for my first build and had a question for some of you who have been through all of this before. When looking attaching the neck to the body using the predrilled holes how do you assure the neck remains straight in line with the bridge. I would assume that you would need to shim the neck pocket as necesary in order to preserve the alignment of body/neck. Is this the case or is the neck pocket accurate enough that considerations are not required to keep the neck in line?
Welcome to the board. You will find that the neck pocket is accurate enough not to worry about alignment.
Thanks for the welcome, I'm currently putting the specs together for my first build and I'm sure i'll have a ton of questions. Pretty much I've got mahogany body maple neck and emg humbuckers, everything else is pretty wide open. Any advice you all can give would be appreciated!