I received my guitar from the luthier just in time for Christmas. He did the extra routing to fit the Graph Tech ghost system into the guitar. The wires from the piezo bridge are hidden. I was afraid to even attempt it.
The only thing I have left is to get the 13 pin connector and a MIDI convertor box. After nearly a year:
The PT Warmoth!
- 7 string body
- Quilted Sapele top and headstock laminate
- Ash body
- Walnut stripe
- Kinman P-90s, anniversary edition
- Ebony wooden pickup covers and knobs (damn that stuff is expensive), I did not want the plastic soapbars
- Graphtech ghost system including a piezo equipped bridge and hexpander system to allow acoustic, magnetic, both and 13 pin out for the convertor box
- Ziricote fingerboard
- Night swan gold acrylic inlay
- Walnut neck wood
- Earvana black nut
- Non reverse Firebird headstock
- Wizard profile compound radius - very different feeling than I thought it would be.
I wanted a one-of-a-kind. I love this guitar. I'll post a flip video of the sound of the acoustic piezo bridge and the P-90s. They really rock with some crunch. Very authentic sounding to me. Apparently, one can set a delay between the P-90s and the piezo for a really unique sound.
Happy Holidays to all!
The only thing I have left is to get the 13 pin connector and a MIDI convertor box. After nearly a year:
The PT Warmoth!
- 7 string body
- Quilted Sapele top and headstock laminate
- Ash body
- Walnut stripe
- Kinman P-90s, anniversary edition
- Ebony wooden pickup covers and knobs (damn that stuff is expensive), I did not want the plastic soapbars
- Graphtech ghost system including a piezo equipped bridge and hexpander system to allow acoustic, magnetic, both and 13 pin out for the convertor box
- Ziricote fingerboard
- Night swan gold acrylic inlay
- Walnut neck wood
- Earvana black nut
- Non reverse Firebird headstock
- Wizard profile compound radius - very different feeling than I thought it would be.
I wanted a one-of-a-kind. I love this guitar. I'll post a flip video of the sound of the acoustic piezo bridge and the P-90s. They really rock with some crunch. Very authentic sounding to me. Apparently, one can set a delay between the P-90s and the piezo for a really unique sound.
Happy Holidays to all!