
My Soloist Obsession (4x Warmoth/Charvel)


Senior Member
I love this shape so much. I love Charvel Necks a lot and so I combined them. I made a jig to route all the neck pockets to match the Charvel spec and include the thumbwheel truss rod that is on the 2016 and newer Charvel Pro Mods.

First up is my "Strat" Fun fact, I worked at FMIC for a few years and this guitar inspired a similar color on Jackson Charvel guitars for a few years.
Light Alder Body
Satin Burgundy Mist
American Standard Trem
Charvel 2013ish Rosewood neck Quartersawn Shaft
Locking tuners
DiMarzio Injector pickups
The button adds the neck to the bridge position for N+B

Hope you enjoy these!
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All of the HSH guitars have toggles to split the humbuckers and the middle position is split neck + split bridge.

First of these is a Mahogany/Quilt Maple Carved Top
Aquamarine Dye Natural back white binding
Schaller Floyd
Charvel Rosewood/Maple neck with Thumbwheel
Suhr Aldrich Bridge/Duncan SSL3/Duncan Stag Mag pickups
The tones are push/pull for coil split
Gotta say, my favorite is the green. I too am a soloist enjoyer. Seems like you’re a fan of the schaller Floyd. Any particular reason? Have you tried the Gotoh Floyd?
Gotta say, my favorite is the green. I too am a soloist enjoyer. Seems like you’re a fan of the schaller Floyd. Any particular reason? Have you tried the Gotoh Floyd?
I have not owned a guitar with the Gotoh Floyd but I have played a couple and they feel nice under my hand.

I had the black schallers I got for a steal from a friend of mine so I used them. The Aqua Marine was a showcase body that was already routed for it so I stuck with it. I like they way they feel but it was more circumstance that led me to using them over an OFR. Having owned a bunch of both, I dont think one is better than the other.
I have not owned a guitar with the Gotoh Floyd but I have played a couple and they feel nice under my hand.

I had the black schallers I got for a steal from a friend of mine so I used them. The Aqua Marine was a showcase body that was already routed for it so I stuck with it. I like they way they feel but it was more circumstance that led me to using them over an OFR. Having owned a bunch of both, I dont think one is better than the other.
Ah I see. I did my most recent build with the Gotoh and I do like it a bit more than the OFR. Never tried the schaller though.
Ah I see. I did my most recent build with the Gotoh and I do like it a bit more than the OFR. Never tried the schaller though.
I have a build I am working on now and I keep going back on forth using the OFR I have or ordering a Gotoh. I really want to have one in my fleet but I just havent found a compelling reason to get one over using the OFR I have.
I have a build I am working on now and I keep going back on forth using the OFR I have or ordering a Gotoh. I really want to have one in my fleet but I just havent found a compelling reason to get one over using the OFR I have.
My reasons for the Gotoh are:

-If you flush mount the Floyd, the beveled edge allows lower bridge height
-The saddles feel better for resting your hand on the bridge or palm muting
-The fine tuners have much more range, so much that the D tuna is unnecessary

For me those things make the whole guitar more comfortable to play so I’d go with Gotoh. But if you already have the OFR you may as well use it. Also the Gotoh won’t fit in most recessed Floyd routes. Gotoh is better for a top mount setup though.