
my other ride...


from the show case!


a gorgeous rosewood lpjr piclguard i found on ebay, a noiseless fralin 52 p bass snuck undereath a p90 cover and hipshot ultralites (the showcase had it listed as a bml keyream but it was actually gb7 ream! :confused4: and yes i bought the wrong size  :()

fully assembled; 10 lbs!!
it is a beast.
GREAT idea to hide the P-bass pickup sunder the P90 cover to keep the them going. :sign13: :icon_thumright:

Simple but well thought out project, congrats.  :guitarplayer2:

Btw, is that a padauk body AND neck (with a rosewood fingerboard)?
Hey deluxemeat, you are a man after my own heart.  I really enjoyed your builds taking classic shapes and putting a twist to them into something completely unique.
I was wondering where this body ended up, looks very nice! :icon_thumright: Padauk and rosewood is a killer combo!
rapfohl09 said:
:icon_thumright: Padauk and rosewood is a killer combo!

+1 Agreed  :icon_thumright:
Those two woods really work well together. 
Nice piece  :headbang1:
thanks guys!

the tone from padauk is monstrous!

i was originally going to do alder and maple. i was going to ask for something close to tv yellow finish to look like a classic lpjr but i wanted a classic james jamerson motown tone.
its very big and piano like and i think the tone ended up better than if i had gone w alder/maple.
i'm using flats and the great 51 fralin noisless single coil p bass pickup.
finding the rosewood pickguard on ebay and the raw padauk in the showcase sealed the deal for going w the raw wood vibe.
the final touch will be a rosewood gibson bell truss cover!
