This was a cheap kit I bought from an online BYO site, it was largely an experiment and a learning experience. Let me just say that you get what you pay for!! but it got my feet wet and im going to spruce it up some once im done with my "EB-3" bass (as its been pointed out it shouldn't be called an "SG" bass like the warmoth site says).
I wont say where exactly i got the kit from (it certainly wasnt Warmoth, their products are infinitely better in quality), but problems i had where as follows
Poorly packaged! by the time it arrived, it looked like it had been left out in the rain and run over by a delivery truck (which wouldn't surprise me here in southeast alaska) but one of the parts bags had ripped open and i was missing screws and a strap button.
Poorly written instructions! (they were literally like 5 single sided pages of instructions) I was a total noob and there wasn't so much as a parts list or a description of what screws were meant for what! and since nothing was pre drilled it left me scratching my head alot wondering if it was even going together the way the vague instructions said it should
Busted Tuner - the "screw" that holds the knob onto one of the tuners was just a stud, so the tuner knob fell off the first time i cranked on it
Undersized neck pocket. the guy says in his "instructions" that he does this on purpose, so that the person can route it out to an exact and tight fit for better sustain. Unfortunately that only came up AFTER i got the kit, and I dont have a router or a workshop, so in my infinite wisdom i just sanded down the neck and some of the pocket to "make it fit" haha
nut was not cut even close nor was it pre installed. So i ended up with telephone wires running over my first three frets, which is hell on the fingers. Again, in my infinite wisdom, I took my Dremel to the job of correcting the nut, and over did it a bit, so then it was slapping frets down around the 17th or 18th fret.
The good in all of it was that in the process of looking for new tuners, screws and buttons, and a book to give me a better clue as to what the H#@! I was supposed to be doing, i found Warmoth!
With some more time and money im sure I can turn it around. I want to put a new neck on it (thinking scalloped birdseye maple) and maybe a white pearloid pickguard. If not then at least the artwork turned out really well!
I wont say where exactly i got the kit from (it certainly wasnt Warmoth, their products are infinitely better in quality), but problems i had where as follows
Poorly packaged! by the time it arrived, it looked like it had been left out in the rain and run over by a delivery truck (which wouldn't surprise me here in southeast alaska) but one of the parts bags had ripped open and i was missing screws and a strap button.
Poorly written instructions! (they were literally like 5 single sided pages of instructions) I was a total noob and there wasn't so much as a parts list or a description of what screws were meant for what! and since nothing was pre drilled it left me scratching my head alot wondering if it was even going together the way the vague instructions said it should
Busted Tuner - the "screw" that holds the knob onto one of the tuners was just a stud, so the tuner knob fell off the first time i cranked on it
Undersized neck pocket. the guy says in his "instructions" that he does this on purpose, so that the person can route it out to an exact and tight fit for better sustain. Unfortunately that only came up AFTER i got the kit, and I dont have a router or a workshop, so in my infinite wisdom i just sanded down the neck and some of the pocket to "make it fit" haha
nut was not cut even close nor was it pre installed. So i ended up with telephone wires running over my first three frets, which is hell on the fingers. Again, in my infinite wisdom, I took my Dremel to the job of correcting the nut, and over did it a bit, so then it was slapping frets down around the 17th or 18th fret.
The good in all of it was that in the process of looking for new tuners, screws and buttons, and a book to give me a better clue as to what the H#@! I was supposed to be doing, i found Warmoth!
With some more time and money im sure I can turn it around. I want to put a new neck on it (thinking scalloped birdseye maple) and maybe a white pearloid pickguard. If not then at least the artwork turned out really well!