
Musiclander ... there can be only one


Hero Member
I've made up my mind that my second build will be a Musiclander. I even mocked it up, albeit quite badly.

Problem is, I don't like the default control configuration so I don't want them to drill those holes nor the slot for the 5-way switch. That means I'm going to have delivered to me an unfinished body with just a cavity route, pup routes and a jack route ... with the onus on me to drill the holes for pots and the 5-way switch ... the pot holes (heh) are no problem, but I've heard horror stories about cutting a gash the right size -- and straight! -- for a 5-way.

And, once the control holes are drilled, I'll have to finish the thing! I feel that my britches are quite small, all of a sudden.

First image is the whole shebang, second is the body from the top, third is with the rear cavity route superimposed over where the controls are to show they fit within, and fourth is my idea for a custom decal.

Good night, moon.


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I'd personally go with stacked knobs and save the headache of routing the controls.  Love the vibe and color choices.  :icon_thumright:

Which pickguard did you use, is that a left-handed Mustang pg?
Corey P. said:
I'd personally go with stacked knobs and save the headache of routing the controls.  Love the vibe and color choices.  :icon_thumright:

Which pickguard did you use, is that a left-handed Mustang pg?

I just took the pattern image Warmoth shows for their red pearl guard and modded it to the body shape in Photoshop. It's definitely modeled after the Mustang one, though.

I absolutely hear you, re: the headache, but I really hate the location of the two knobs they drill for, and the 5-way switch position. And, of course, if I'm going to build this thing, I want *exactly* what I want ... headaches, and all.  :icon_biggrin:
I'm diggin' the mock-up.  It looks cool, and this isn't a very popular shape at all...at least not here, it isn't...

Very cool, and I say, GO FOR IT!  :party07:
Looks great! I'd only caution you about a heavy pro trussrod neck with the small and light musiclander body. You might even consider, for that, a 24.75 scale neck from W's main competition up in Washington, since W will not make a single rod 24.75 neck nor a single rod arrow headstock.
From what I've seen over the years, outside of market considerations, if Warmoth won't make something, there's probably a good reason for it. Be sure to perform due diligence before buying something that will be or could become a problem child. Those guys know what they're doing, have been doing it for a long time, and have forgotten more about making necks and bodies than most people will ever know.


Warmoth's Mother
I love the Musiclander shape! Been wanting one for a while... But really hate that headstock. Either way I'm excited to get to see one on the board here!
tfarny said:
Looks great! I'd only caution you about a heavy pro trussrod neck with the small and light musiclander body. You might even consider, for that, a 24.75 scale neck from W's main competition up in Washington, since W will not make a single rod 24.75 neck nor a single rod arrow headstock.

Is the body really that small and light? It's really hard to tell without any comparison shots since all of their representational images seem to be presented in a single, uniform size. I know they give the measurements -- I didn't notice weight, but I'll double check -- still it would be cool to have a chart that showed all the bodies to scale.

Cagey said:
From what I've seen over the years, outside of market considerations, if Warmoth won't make something, there's probably a good reason for it. Be sure to perform due diligence before buying something that will be or could become a problem child.

Do you mean that, since Warmoth only offers a 25.5" Pro neck with the arrow headstock that it means coupling it with the Musiclander body is a fine idea? I can't tell if you're confirming or refuting Tim's argument. :-\

partialdoctor said:
Ha ha. The force is strong in this one. Welcome to the addiction!

Thanks! It's a really nice feeling. I'm enjoying the high of all the possibilities. I'm sure, when I set to building my Jazzy, that I'll be plenty frustrated at times, but I expect it all to culminate in one big wave of satisfaction.

JaySwear said:
I love the Musiclander shape! Been wanting one for a while... But really hate that headstock. Either way I'm excited to get to see one on the board here!

I actually really dig the arrow headstock. I love how it looks like you could use the guitar to impale someone. It's more like a spear, to me, with the V headstock more "arrow" like, but hey. I love the Musiclander body shape, too, though; it's one sexy guitar.
reluctant-builder said:
Cagey said:
From what I've seen over the years, outside of market considerations, if Warmoth won't make something, there's probably a good reason for it. Be sure to perform due diligence before buying something that will be or could become a problem child.

Do you mean that, since Warmoth only offers a 25.5" Pro neck with the arrow headstock that it means coupling it with the Musiclander body is a fine idea? I can't tell if you're confirming or refuting Tim's argument. :-\

I don't even remember what I was responding to, it was just a general statement. If Warmoth won't do something, there's usually either a commercial or quality problem with doing it. For instance, not all the fancy woods they have available can be selected when specifying a neck with a tilt-back headstock. That's not them being bitches, it's the wood not wanting to glue up reliably. But, unless you did your research, you wouldn't know that.
Looks like a cool project Steve, the slot for the 5 way isn't so bad to cut, many ways to go about it. I've used a dremel with the router attachment..  :icon_biggrin:
I love the Musiclander, or "Swinger" body since I stumbled upon Warmoth's site so many moons ago. But I agree about the headstock. The Warhead seems absolutely made for the Musiclander body. Mine would be a maple/maple, or maple/canary on an Inca silver body, with creme humbuckers and chrome hardware. Or would Pewter metallic be better...

Anyway, it's looking good so far. Build it any way you want it!
JaySwear said:
I love the Musiclander shape! Been wanting one for a while... But really hate that headstock. Either way I'm excited to get to see one on the board here!

I have that headstock on my guitar.  While I'm not super-fond of it, I went with it because it was different.  I didn't want my guitar cloning as a Jackson or Fender, otherwise I would've gone with the Jackson headstock.  I think that headstock is a very sensitive shape that either goes with a design or doesn't....

I would agree a different choice would probably suit the Musiclander better, but it's not my guitar, so it's not my choice.  :occasion14:


Look at the trem cavities - they are going to be the same size on strat bodies and musiclander bodies. On the musiclander, the trem cavity takes up a big hunk of the back of the guitar. You can see on people's finished projects too - it is definitely a small body. The musiclander after all was originally a cheap (and really bad, apparently) student guitar with 24" scale. Weight depends on the wood of course. One possibility might be to put a 24" mustang neck on there and do the bridge placement yourself, if you are going with a top-load hardtail anyhow.
tfarny said:
Look at the trem cavities ...

My only trem guitar will be my Jazzmaster. I'm not much of a tremolo guy and, since I'd never wail on it, having the JM trem doesn't give me apoplexy ... so I won't need to worry about having that cavity. Hardtail all the way.

But I've got some thinking to do, and I'm going to pick up Dan's book.
It's funny folks are saying the arrow headstock doesn't look like it goes with the body, since it's what any Musiclander I've seen has:


I think the oddness is part of - if not most of? - the appeal.  If the body is substantially smaller than average where neck dive woud be a concern with a double-expnading truss rod this might be a good candidate for a maple body, since the total weight would still be less than average...
And that pic is with with a 24" neck - so add 1.5 inches to the neck and a double truss rod and you are talking a candidate for neck dive or at least possibly a visually unbalanced guitar, if that matters. On the other hand, the strap button looks like it comes up to the 13th fret which is pretty decent. The telecaster is below the 15th fret.
BTW I'm pretty interested in this and hope you get it together since I've wanted a musiclander since I was a W noob.
That headstock is huge. You could mount pickups on that thing and play it upside down.
It seems about as well balanced as this guy:

I've got one. It's only a little awkward. The strap button under the upper horn does little to help.  :laughing7:

I still think the Musiclander is a cool shape though.
Corey P. said:
It's funny folks are saying the arrow headstock doesn't look like it goes with the body, since it's what any Musiclander I've seen has:


I think the oddness is part of - if not most of? - the appeal.  If the body is substantially smaller than average where neck dive woud be a concern with a double-expnading truss rod this might be a good candidate for a maple body, since the total weight would still be less than average...

While it may be funny that the Musiclander came with that headstock, the headstock looks downright HUGE on that guitar.  Something a bit more relaxed would probably look more in place, such as maybe a Tele headstock, but like I said, it ain't my guitar, so...